Write a reflection on the final section of Ishiguro’s novel, how it sheds light

Write a reflection on the final section of Ishiguro’s novel, how it sheds light

Write a reflection on the final section of Ishiguro’s novel, how it sheds light on the rest of the novel, or how it connects to our other readings so far. Some questions you might consider as you develop your own questions: What do you think Ishiguro is doing, overall, by using the genre of Arthurian fantasy and setting his novel in the medieval era? How do you think Ishiguro intends for his readers to react to the ending of his novel’s various plot threads? Make sure to:
1) bring in some specific quotes from the text to support your insights
2) end your reflection with a question you would like to ask the rest of the class.
Start by noting a specific moment, detail, quote, or specific theme from the text that seems intriguing, significant, provocative, or perplexing, and include that specific quote in your reflection, with a citation (citations = a line number for poems, page number for prose).
Then, explain what stood out to you about this specific detail from the text. As you explain why this detail is significant, work towards developing a thesis, argument, or a question about a perplexing or confusing aspect of the reading, and explain how the text supports your point. Whichever approach you take, you should offer an insight that is not already immediately obvious to all readers. Instead, it should be an insight that will provoke the rest of us to further thought and consideration. As you develop this point, feel free to bring in additional quotes from the text to support your point.
Finally, to wrap up your reading journal entry, end with a question about the text that you would like to ask the rest of your classmates. (Entries that do not end with a question will only be able to receive 2 out of 3 points, at most.)