part one American Yawp Chapters: 8. The Market RevolutionLinks to an external s

part one
American Yawp Chapters:
8. The Market RevolutionLinks to an external s

part one American Yawp Chapters:
8. The Market RevolutionLinks to an external site.
9. Democracy in AmericaLinks to an external site.
Each week, students will practice using the 5 C’s of History to create an analysis of the two assigned chapters in The American Yawp. Each analysis will be written in essay form: 500 to 750 words long, written in complete sentences, and using paragraphs. When addressing the material from the chapters, students should quote from the text to support their claims.
Each analysis will take the following form:
Introductory paragraph concluding with an argumentative thesis
Five body paragraphs, one for each of the Five C’s
Five C’s and definitions:
Causality – The clear, direct cause and effect relationship between two historical people, places, things, or ideas.
Contingency – Outcomes that are possible but are dependent upon other historical factors.
Complexity – Scrutinizing, considering, and identifying possible relationships between historical
people, places, things, or ideas.
Change over time – The difference in a single historical variable going forward in time.
Context – The circumstances and facts required to understand and assess a specific event, person, or concept.
part two American Yawp Chapters:
10. Religion and ReformLinks to an external site.
11. The Cotton RevolutionLinks to an external site.
Each week, students will practice using the 5 C’s of History to create an analysis of the two assigned chapters in The American Yawp. Each analysis will be written in essay form: 500 to 750 words long, written in complete sentences, and using paragraphs. When addressing the material from the chapters, students should quote from the text to support their claims.
Each analysis will take the following form:
Introductory paragraph concluding with an argumentative thesis
Five body paragraphs, one for each of the Five C’s
Five C’s and definitions:
Causality – The clear, direct cause and effect relationship between two historical people, places, things, or ideas.
Contingency – Outcomes that are possible but are dependent upon other historical factors.
Complexity – Scrutinizing, considering, and identifying possible relationships between historical people, places, things, or ideas.
Change over time – The difference in a single historical variable going forward in time.
Context – The circumstances and facts required to understand and assess a specific event, person, or concept.
part three American Yawp Chapters:
12. Manifest Destiny
13. The Sectional Crisis
Each week, students will practice using the 5 C’s of History to create an analysis of the two assigned chapters in The American Yawp. Each analysis will be written in essay form: 500 to 750 words long, written in complete sentences, and using paragraphs. When addressing the material from the chapters, students should quote from the text to support their claims.
Each analysis will take the following form:
Introductory paragraph concluding with an argumentative thesis
Five body paragraphs, one for each of the Five C’s
Five C’s and definitions:
Causality – The clear, direct cause and effect relationship between two historical people, places, things, or ideas.
Contingency – Outcomes that are possible but are dependent upon other historical factors.
Complexity – Scrutinizing, considering, and identifying possible relationships between historical people, places, things, or ideas.
Change over time – The difference in a single historical variable going forward in time.
Context – The circumstances and facts required to understand and assess a specific event, person, or concept.
part four:
goals of this Project:
Wikipedia is the largest history project in the world. As there is no central editing process, the quality of the entries varies from excellent to awful. You will practice your historical thinking skills by using the 5 “C’s” of history as framework for assessing a Wikipedia entry on a US History before 1877 topic (Person / place / thing / idea). Your review will take the form of a 750-1000 word paper (~3-4 pages).
Your paper must:
Introduce the Wikipedia entry you’re reviewing
Provide an assessment of how well the entry fulfills the 5 “C’s”Change over time
Decide if the article makes warranted claimsDoes the entry cite evidence appropriately?
Are the conclusions appropriate, given the evidence?
Suggest one change that you would make to the webpageDraft language to replace the current prose
You do not need to spend an equal number of words on each of the 5 “C’s” or the items above. Your review should reflect the needs, strengths, and possibilities present in the Wikipedia entry you are reviewing.