1. find 1 free app, website, or youtube channel that has a 10 minute meditation

1. find 1 free app, website, or youtube channel that has a 10 minute meditation

1. find 1 free app, website, or youtube channel that has a 10 minute meditation session. Make sure it is GUIDED MEDITATION. 2. Complete the guided meditation before the submission deadline. 3. Record your thoughts/ reflections on the session. This should be more than a couple of sentences! (minimum 250 words) 4. What parts of your brain were activated in this process – try to be as precise as you can. Some of this will be clear to you, some – not so much! (you must list AT LEAST 6 parts of your brain – and say what they were doing during the meditation session. 5. Submit with your reflection, the app/ website/ youtube channel. Grading Rubric: 0/2: Incomplete 1/2: A Mediocre job (only did 1 day, lacking depth or reflection, poor understanding of brain connection used to do the activity) 1.5/2: Good job- overall good understanding – just not great. 2/2: Great!