Identify and describe a problem that arises from a gap in the existing best prac

Identify and describe a problem that arises from a gap in the existing best prac

Identify and describe a problem that arises from a gap in the existing best practice strategies. Assess this gap based on what you learned when completing your previous macro-level assignments in Weeks 3 and 6. Explain how the problem emerged from your previous macro-level analysis. Develop a social service program to address the identified problem, using multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge and practice wisdom. Use the following format: Vision statement. Mission statement. Goals. Objectives. Methods and activities. Implementation plan. Evaluation metrics. Identify the method of evaluating the program. Be sure it identifies how you know if the program is helpful or not, and how you measure change in your social service program. Integrate technology into the program. Identify at least one technology (or way to use technology) in your program and support your chosen method with content from your literature review. Integrate theory by using multiple sources of research and practice wisdom in the social service program. Use this section as an annotated bibliography to show content you have learned about theory and how to use it in your program. Reflect on the process of developing a social service program to target a specific problem. In your reflection: Demonstrate how you integrated theory and practice when completing this assignment. Write your summary from the annotated bibliography above as it synthesizes the literature more directly to address your identified problem. Provide leadership in promoting sustainable change in service delivery. Evaluate the feasibility and sustainability of the program. Support your assessment with peer-reviewed literature. Discuss how you provide leadership in promoting sustainable change in service delivery and practice.