Teaching with technology opens doors to opportunities to teach, reteach, remedia

Teaching with technology opens doors to opportunities to teach, reteach, remedia

Teaching with technology opens doors to opportunities to teach, reteach, remediate, and accelerate as you plan your lessons. Discarding fact from fiction and weighing evidence is needed to help children become savvy technology consumers. Students can learn how to assess and curate Internet resources in the classroom with you. For many students, the only opportunity to access Internet resources and experiences is with you because access at home may be limited or unavailable. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discuss technology curation and use with your peers. How can technology help teach, reteach, remediate, and extend student learning? What measures will you take to ensure your students have equal access to resources, including technology, used in and out of the classroom? What strategies can you use to elevate their self-esteem and confidence so that outside information is inspiring rather than copied? How can you involve the community and family members?