Instructions CO-3: Summarize the major changes that occur in physical, cognitive

CO-3: Summarize the major changes that occur in physical, cognitive

CO-3: Summarize the major changes that occur in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development during each stage of the lifespan.
CO-4: Discuss ways to promote healthy development during the prenatal stage through adolescence periods of development.
Growth and development occur at a phenomenal rate during the prenatal stage as well as the first 3 years of life. It is critical that future parents, new parents, caregivers and guardians know how to promote healthy development during these critical time periods. The objective of this assignment is to develop and 8 to 10 slide presentation that highlights at least 8 important concepts about either Prenatal Development OR Infant and Toddler Development. (Choose only 1 area for your focus.)
Create an 8-10 slide presentation (using either Power Point or Canva ( on information from our readings and other credible sources that you believe is most important for the audience to know. For example, if you choose prenatal development, what are at least 8 important points expectant parents should know that impact healthy development. If you choose infant and toddler development, what are at least 8 important points new parents should know about how development evolves during this stage of the lifespan. Be sure to include a cover slide and a reference slide (this is in addition to the 8-10 slide requirement)
Support your writing with research from at least 3 credible sources (no .com websites. Websites such as .org, .edu, and .gov are permitted)
Include an APA formatted reference slide and APA formatted citations throughout your presentation.
Make your presentation visually engaging using graphics or images but they should enhance the presentation and not be the sole focus. IMPORTANT NOTE: All work submitted in the course is expected to be accordance with the University Policy on Academic Integrity found in the student handbook. The work that you submit for this assignment must be your own work. No part of your assignment should be written by another or taken directly from sources including AI generative sources (such as ChatGPT). All information should be cited and referenced appropriately using APA format. Visit APA Style and Grammar Guidelines for additional information.
Please follow the directions carefully and also see the grading rubric for how your work will be evaluated.