Instructions 1.You will demonstrate the ability to identify an appropriate journ

1.You will demonstrate the ability to identify an appropriate journ

1.You will demonstrate the ability to identify an appropriate journal for publishing an article based on the developing dissertation. (Journal of Educational Administration and History).
Research Topic: Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership on the Retention of African American Male Educator
2.Go to your selected journal’s home web page and read about the journal. Most journals will provide information (often called author guidelines) about the types of articles they publish and the style of formatting required. Look through the journal expectations and requirements. (Aims and scope (…)
3).Next, create a cover letter addressed to the key gatekeeper for the selected journal (often an editor). Note: You are not required to submit an article to the journal.
a.Your cover letter content must include all required sections of the journal’s instructions.
b.Your letter’s content must be addressed to an appropriate journal team member and accurately describe the nature of the research article.
c.Explain why the research article would be a good fit and should be considered.
d.Place the link to the journal’s author’s instructions or guidelines website at the top of the page of the letter, as seen in the provided Journal Cover Letter Example.
Your letter will be assessed using the Journal Cover Letter Grading Rubric.
Note: I will check this assignment for originality/AI use via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Important Notes:
Journal of Educational Administration and History publishes papers that contribute to debates on educational administration, leadership, management and policy in a range of settings. Work that is comparative and socially critical and which addresses issues such as power, authority, ideals, principles, diversity and difference is welcome. While the journal seeks to publish authoritative accounts of the history of educational administration—we publish more than historical research—and encourage papers from a range of conceptual, theoretical, and/or methodological positions. We also welcome research that brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners. The journal has a special responsibility to publish work that is interdisciplinary and draws on economics, philosophy, politics, sociology and other fields of inquiry.