Due to the qualitative nature of the study, a mixed methodology approach will be

Due to the qualitative nature of the study, a mixed methodology approach will be

Due to the qualitative nature of the study, a mixed methodology approach will be employed to combine action research and exploratory case studies to identify trends and themes related to emotional intelligence in Business/ workplace settings.
In a 3-page APA formatted paper (Not including title or reference pages), address the following:
How would I classify the appropriate study design (explanatory, descriptive, etc.)? How do I know for certain that this study is an example of business case study research methodology? Describe how you would classify your design and explain the rationale for your design choice.
Add any other valid study design methodologies that you feel would further support a positive stance on emotional intelligence in business. Briefly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the approach.
Use a neutral and objective tone and present evidence; avoid the first person.
Be sure to cite at least five credible/ peer-reviewed resources.