Research three communication styles and write a 2–3 page paper comparing the sty

Research three communication styles and write a 2–3 page paper comparing the sty

Research three communication styles and write a 2–3 page paper comparing the styles.Include a discussion of different scenarios in which each communication style would be appropriate to use.
Select your preferred communication style and create an infographic that explains the style.Save the infographic in whatever image format you like.
Additional Requirements
Format: Complete and submit both parts of this assignment: the 2–3 page paper in Microsoft Word and the infographic. The infographic can be submitted as an image inside of your Word document or as a separate attachment to the assignment.
APA style and formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point, Arial, 11 point, or Calibri, 11 point.
Paper Length: 2–3 pages, double spaced. Page count does not include your cover page or reference page.
Cited resources: Use a minimum of three scholarly sources outside of the course text. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.