Read Who We Are Connected To Is Part of Who We Are (link in PDF) Write (250+ wor

Who We Are Connected To Is Part of Who We Are (link in PDF)
Write (250+ wor

Who We Are Connected To Is Part of Who We Are (link in PDF)
Write (250+ words)
Using this article’s definition of a subculture, identify a community or subculture that you have been a part of that has been important in your identity formation/sense of self:
What is this community/subculture? What pulls the people in it together? What knowledge do they share? What customs, clothing, etc.? What has been so important to you about being a part of this community/subculture?
Identify two quotes you find really compelling in this article that you might use in an essay about your own community/subculture memberships and identity – include first/last three words and page number
Explain how you might use each quote – what could it help you to say and/or demonstrate for your own readers/audience? Would you use it:
As an example of one of your ideas?
To articulate your own ideas?
As a foundation from which to build your own ideas?
As an object of critique?
Post Grading Criteria (5 points)
Post: Met length requirement and addressed all elements of the prompt.
Clarity: Post nearly free of grammatical, mechanical, and/or typographical errors.