The presentation 8 to 10 minutes and the 3 pages and the blank worksheet that ha

The presentation 8 to 10 minutes and the 3 pages and the blank worksheet that ha

The presentation 8 to 10 minutes and the 3 pages and the blank worksheet that has to be created with excel.
This QA project topic will be on the laser ailment of a true beam linear accelerator treatment machine.
Required to prepare a quality management departmental policy/procedure and Daily* QA worksheet and presentation. Topic must be cleared on a date TBD. The instructor must approve the material to ensure criteria are met and to avoid possible duplication. The presentation will be at least eight-ten minutes in length and will consist of:
PowerPoint includes
Verbal description of policy project
Written Policy to handout for classmates
A workable QA sheet
Write a policy for your chosen diagnostic or therapeutic machine/ equipment.
A. This policy should: Have a name and number. (5) Show example:
1. Why the policy is important.
2. The governing bodies that are in charge of the specs, criteria, and tolerances.
3. What the specs, criteria, and tolerances are for your chosen equipment.
4. The frequency of the QA -daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc…
5. The responsible personnel for the frequency. Daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc…
6. Is your policy going to be stricter then needed? And why or why not
Write a “how to” for your chosen machine/equipment QA procedure.If your chosen machine/equipment has different levels of QA then you may choose one. For example daily or quarterly, etc…
B. The procedure must include and name and correspond to your policy: Show example:
1. Who is responsible and when it is to be done.
2. What QA equipment and devices are needed.
3. A step by step instruction on the procedure. You can keep it basic.
4. Explain procedure if tolerances are not met? Call physics? The vendor?
5. What if this procedure is not followed?
6. Name/ list and explain potential pitfalls and patient safety concerns if your procedures are not followed.
Part Three: QA worksheet
Create a daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly QA spread sheet for your chosen equipment/machine. An excel type spread sheet made by you. Show example:
C. Should include space for but not limited to:
1. Equipment/machine name
2. Initials of person doing the QA
3. All pertinent quality control items that need to be checked during your chosen time period.
4. A pass fail column
5. Give tolerance ranges (national standards)
6. Fill in one complete column of your sheet with specific numbers/figures Part Four: Presentation 10 points
D. Create a brief PowerPoint presentation about your chosen QA project. 10 minutes +/- overview.