Class 1 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care – SHMK8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2 450

Class 1 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care – SHMK8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2

Class 1 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care – SHMK8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2
450 words 3 sources Please respond to ONE of the following prompts.
What type of role should nurses have securing informed consent? In assisting with research studies? In assisting with genetic testing?
When a nurse reports abuse, should the accused be able to know the identity of his or her accuser? Should a nurse be sanctioned for reporting abuse if it proves to be false?
DQ1 UMBO – 4
DQ1 PLG – 4, 6
DQ1 CLO – 1, 2, 3
Use and cite these sources as well
Guido, G. W. (2020). Legal and ethical issues in nursing (7th ed.). Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780134701233. Read Chapter 8 & 9.
Pozgar, G. D. (2020). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (5th ed.). Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 9781284144185. Read Chapters 12, 13, & 14
Class 2
Diverse Populations & Health Care – THKN8 – 01-16-24 – Sect2
450 words 3 sources Chose two journal articles related to the healthcare of new immigrants or refugees and one related to people from marginalized populations who are indigent and uninsured. Conduct a review and summarize the articles. Present a summary of the journal article, and examine how the information presented may impact your nursing practice. Discuss what you have learned to improve diversity awareness and cultural competence in caring for people from each population. Please select journal articles that include a hyperlink (URL or DOI) so your peers can access the article should they want to learn more about your selected articles.
DQ1 UMBO – 4
DQ1 PLG – 4
DQ1 CLO – 7
Kersey-Matusiak, G. (2018). Delivering culturally competent nursing care: Working with diverse and vulnerable populations (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN: 9780826137272. Read Chapters 10 & 11.
Your textbook provides AACN Cultural Competencies that may have been learned while obtaining your BSN. Please be sure to test your knowledge at the end of the chapter to assess where you are currently with your cultural competency.
Go to Think Cultural Health located on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office of Minority Health website. You may access it from the following URL: Continue to work on your Think Cultural Health program.
Amnesty International. (n.d.). Key facts about refugees and asylum seekers’ rights. Budiman, A., Tamir, C., Mora, L., & Noe-Bustamante, L. (2020, August 20). Facts on U.S. immigrants, 2018. Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. (2020, July 16). Research Note: Number of People in Families with Below-Poverty. Pew Research Center. (2020). U.S. Hispanic population surpass 60 million in 2019, but growth has slowed. Pew Research Center. (2016). Hispanic trends: Overall number of U.S. unauthorized immigrants holds steady since 2009. Refugees International. (n.d.). Refugees International. Tolbert, J., & Damico, A. (2020, November 13). Key Facts about the Uninsured Population. Kaiser Family Foundation.