I attached 6 of them , chose one to answer these questions . Using the primary s

I attached 6 of them , chose one to answer these questions .
Using the primary s

I attached 6 of them , chose one to answer these questions .
Using the primary sources we have reviewed, select a primary sources and analyze it using the guiding analytical questions below. Be sure to specify which primary source you are analyzing and cite any direct quotes taken from readings (parenthetical citation is fine). Please submit by uploading the word doc or pdf file to this page. Your analysis should be written in essay form, and should be at least 1.5-2 pages long, typed, double spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins. No works cited page necessary. Your submission will be graded based on how you answer each of the following questions, as each has a number of point assigned to it.
A primary source is an original object or document — the raw material or first-hand information, source material that is closest to what is being studied.
Primary sources vary by discipline and can include historical and legal documents, eye witness accounts, results of an experiment, statistical data, pieces of creative writing, and art objects. In the natural and social sciences, the results of an experiment or study are typically found in scholarly articles or papers delivered at conferences, so those articles and papers that present the original results are considered primary sources.
Rubric Area DescriptionPoints (20)
ContentWhat is the document about?3
CitationWhen was this document created and by who? 2
ContextWhat was going on in the world and the region when this document was written? What major economic, social, and political trends might this document be responding to?4
ConnectionsHow does this document challenge, support, or change what you already know, or are learning in this class? 4
CommunicationsIs this a point of view or bias—is this source reliable?2
ConclusionsHow does the source contribute to our understanding of history?5
Primary Source Analysis Rubric
Primary Source Analysis Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentExplaining what is the document about.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitationWhen the document was created and by who.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContextWhat was going on in the world and the region when this document was written. What major economic, social, and political trends might this document be responding to.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnectionsHow this document challenge, support, or change what you already know, or are learning in this class.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunicationFrom what you have learned, is this a point of view or bias—is this source reliable.
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionsHow this source contributes to our understanding of history.
5 pts