Progress Check Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use

Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use

Progress Check
Use this activity to assess whether you and your peers can: Use a five-number summary and a boxplot to describe a distribution.
Recognize quartiles as the markers between four equally-sized groups within a distribution of data.
Describe the distribution of a quantitative variable grouped by a categorical variable; make comparisons and draw conclusions.
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Three steps to complete the assignment
For this assignment we will use a random sample of 861 participants from the population of Disability IAT participants. Our random sample is titled “Disability IAT Project Sample.”
Login and open StatCrunch (directions). my account username is: Aiyah.Abdullah password:Abdullah_2008
Open Disability IAT Project Sample in StatCrunch (directions).
Quantitative Variable: IAT-Disabled-Score
Score on the Disability IAT where the participant is tested to determine the participant’s implicit attitude toward disabled and abled people.
Categorical Variable: Prefers
Multiple-choice response to a survey question about the participant’s explicit attitude toward disabled and abled people.
Disability IAT variable descriptions (opens in a new tab).
We’ll describe the distribution of the quantitative variable grouped by the categorical variable. Then we’ll make comparisons and draw conclusions.
Make an appropriate graph and provide a table of appropriate numerical summaries.Use StatCrunch to make side-by-side (or stacked) boxplots for the quantitative variable grouped by the categorical variable. (directions).
Embed your StatCrunch graph in your response, and be sure to include the Alt Text. Complete each of the following to make the graph more meaningful to the reader.Include a meaningful title above your graph.
Underneath your graph, describe the variables represented in the graph.
You’ll notice that there are numbers on the axis representing the categorical variable. These numbers are actually the group labels for the categorical variable. You’ll need to let the reader know which numbers represent which categories (groups). Below your graph, provide a key for the numerical labels in your graph. Hint: see the category (group) descriptions for the categorical variable in the variable descriptions list for your IAT data set above.
Use StatCrunch to make one table of the five-number summaries for the groups of the categorical variable. (directions)
Copy and paste the StatCrunch table of numerical summaries into your response.Again, the numbers in the first column of your table represent the groups of your categorical variable. The reader will not know what these numbers mean! To make it easier for the reader to understand your table, replace the numerical category labels in the first column with meaningful words. Hint: see the category descriptions for the categorical variable in the variable descriptions list for your IAT data set above.
Choose two or three groups of the categorical variable that are most interesting to compare. Then use percentages and descriptions of center and spread to make comparisons. What do the data suggest? For example, is a particular group from the categorical variable more likely to have a higher/lower IAT score?Use the data to support your answer.
Interpret the result in context. Hint: to learn how to interpret the IAT score, see the variable descriptions link for your IAT data set (included in the Variables section above).
List of StatCrunch Directions
Click here for StatCrunch Directions
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Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
Formative Assessments w/ StatCrunch
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswering the Prompt
8 ptsFull Credit
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address each part of the Prompt. Either in the first draft or the optional final draft, all parts of the “Prompt” are addressed and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. The answers are correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
6.5 ptsMostly Correct
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to address most of the Prompt. In the optional final draft all parts of the “Prompt” are addressed, and the responses demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. The answers are mostly correct. The writing/work is clear. The explanation/work is reasonable, well-organized, and easy to follow.
3.5 ptsOne or more incorrect
The first submission demonstrates a good-faith effort to respond to a smaller portion of the Prompt. In the first draft or the optional final draft, one or more parts of the “Prompt” are not addressed or are incorrect. Or, answers do not demonstrate attainment of the learning objectives in the “Progress Check” section of the assignment. Or, answers are correct, but the writing/work is unclear, incorrect, or difficult to follow.
0 ptsNo Marks
The first submission does not demonstrate a good-faith effort to address the Prompt.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatCrunch
2 ptsFull Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are correct and embedded with your work.
1 ptsPartial Credit
StatCrunch graphs and/or tables are incorrect or missing important information.
0 ptsNo Credit
No StatCrunch information is embedded with your post. Or all StatCrunch work is incorrect.
2 pts
Total Points: 10