Comprehensive written project plan focused on the re-design of an element of ser

Comprehensive written project plan focused on the re-design of an element of ser

Comprehensive written project plan focused on the re-design of an element of service provision that enhances the experiences and outcomes of those involved in the service.
(3000 words) Presentation
The University has specific requirements for presentation of your essay. Font: Arial, 12 point, Margins: Fully justified
Line Spacing: 1.5 lines
No bullet points
No numbering of paragraphs
Assignment submitted online Context – set the scene. (300 words)
What is the problem? What is the proposed service improvement? How does it fit with service need. Why do you think it is necessary? Can you provide a rationale?
Background literature/research including commentary on search strategy. Extraction table included as appendix (template provided) (700 words).
Bringing together your supportive evidence Proposed service improvement and how it fits in with service need. Include one cycle of the PDSA model supported with reference to theory (500 words) What will the re-design consist of? Who will it involve? This may be a change to an existing aspect of the service or the introduction of something new. Think about local context and link with the findings of your review of the literature. What would you do if you were going to implement this change? Also consider leadership qualities, risk assessment and governance issues relating to implementation How are service users involved in designing the service improvement? (500 words)
What participatory research methods might you use? Consider who to involve and how. What are the potential ethical issues? (200 words)
Project plan/business plan with rationale for choices, to include budget and time scale and methods for evaluation (500 words)
Potential Outcomes or Limitations (150 words)
Concluding comments (150 words)
Reference List Appendices Literature extraction table Log of project
Gantt Chart PDSA cycle