Summarize the clinical visit cases in logs. minimum 70 logs. Logs should be of d

Summarize the clinical visit cases in logs. minimum 70 logs. Logs should be of d

Summarize the clinical visit cases in logs. minimum 70 logs. Logs should be of different Psych diagnoses.
FD 42 y/o male at clinic for follow-up on OCD S/S. As per the patient, his symptoms of intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors have decreased in the last month, but his anxiety has been the opposite. He fears being outside, and extended periods put him in a panic. Tx Escitalopram increased to 20 mg daily. Clonazepam 0.5 mg bedtime if needed.

Purpose: This project will also help spark creativity, encourage the use of prob

Purpose: This project will also help spark creativity, encourage the use of prob

Purpose: This project will also help spark creativity, encourage the use of problem-solving skills, and promote research to help provide a unique or reworked solution for common problems found in the health information management community.
Skills: The skills necessary for this project are problem-solving, independent research, and time management.
This assignment will also focus on skills necessary for locating information about their specific topic.
You will practice:
Searching for topic-specific keywords
Choosing and identifying credible sources for your paper
Identify which parts of the selected sources to apply to your final submission.
Reviewing sources found through different formats such as the library, internet, or e-books.
APA formatting for both citations and your reference page
Structuring your research paper and creating an organization within your paper.
Knowledge: The knowledge required to successfully complete this project is understanding the Microsoft office application skills learned and taught throughout this course.
Students will self-assign themselves in Individual project groups to create a Capstone project that is based around a privacy and security issue within the health information management field or the entire healthcare organization as a whole.
The Capstone project has individuals imagining themselves as HIM employees in the HIM department that have been given a task to help find and come up with possible solutions to pitch to a board of directors. It is the individual’s job to come up with a solid solution(s) to pitch to the board of directors. You will do this by creating a written report and a solid PowerPoint presentation that is backed by supporting research or data as well as your reasoning for your proposed solution. Data will be created and utilized within Excel and Access to provide better support for their solution(s). In addition, deadline creation and task allocation will be done using Microsoft Outlook.
There are individual six parts of the project that will make up the grade:
Part 1: Group Selection (5 points)
Part 2: Outlook Team Communication (25 points)(Individual)
Part 3: Project Proposal (20 points)(Individual)
Part 4: Written Report (85 points)
Part 5: Utilize Excel and Access Data (65 points)
Part 6: PowerPoint Presentation (85 points)Just to make sure the toic that I want you to writ about is the topic informtion files, and the othere files more info to.

Choose one of the groups discussed in the modules (mothers, infants, children, a

Choose one of the groups discussed in the modules (mothers, infants, children, a

Choose one of the groups discussed in the modules (mothers, infants, children, adolescents, young adults, adults, older adults). Choose two leading health indicators:
Physical activity
Overweight & obesity
Tobacco use
Substance abuse
Responsible sexual behavior
Mental health
Injury & violence
Environmental quality
Access to health care
Answer the following questions for your chosen group (i.e., life stage) and the two leading health indicators:
*Please note you are expected to reference scholarly articles in your original post for questions a-c. You might be able to use the same article for multiple answers or you might have 6 unique sources.
How is your group affected specifically/uniquely by two of the leading health indicators? Explain your answer and provide evidence to support your answer. Specifically, include information from a scholarly article for each leading health indicator in relation to your chosen population group. Make sure to include APA formatted references.
What are some of the biological, genetic, behavioral and/or psychological factors that affect the chosen health indicators in your chosen population? Make sure to provide specific examples. Specifically, include information from a scholarly article for each leading health indicator in relation to your chosen population group. Make sure to include APA formatted references.
Provide example of one primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention methods utilized to mitigate or improve your chosen health indicators (i.e., one strategy for each indicator as it relates to your chosen group). Include information from a scholarly article for each leading health indicator in relation to your chosen population group. Make sure to include APA formatted references.

Washington Heights Community Please in atleast 5 pages write about the Washingto

Washington Heights Community
Please in atleast 5 pages write about the Washingto

Washington Heights Community
Please in atleast 5 pages write about the Washington Heights Safety, Recreational options and Healthcare resources and
services. Use most current Data and resources.
References in APA style
Title page should include names of all group members
Running head
Number of pages
Headings and subheadings
Proper APA formatting is consistent through all components of the paper.
Utilizes peer-reviewed articles (within the last 5 years). Authors do not need to be nurses.
Internet Resources Suggestions: US Census Bureau statistics US Census Bureau Center for Health Statistics Family Foundation
Safety – How are fire and public safety issues handled? How safe is the community? Explain the
top safety issues. Analyze the impact of the crime/safety data on the health of the community
Recreation – Describe recreation that is available/or not available to residents of the community
and its effect on promoting healthy lifestyles.
Healthcare – Describe available healthcare resources and services. Evaluate the impact of the
healthcare resources and services data on the health of the community

This is a case study assignment Case Study Requirments: minimum size of the assi

This is a case study assignment
Case Study Requirments:
minimum size of the assi

This is a case study assignment
Case Study Requirments:
minimum size of the assignment should be 1,000 words or more and the Analysis
should include the following components:
a. Identify/justify ethical principles and theories involved (the priority) in the case.
b. Identify key stakeholders involved
c. Explain in detail your ethical framework for the case, supporting your statement with in-depth research
d. List and explain all possible recommendations
e. Explore alternative solutions/recommendations and explain the slippery slope if applicable
f. Identify and explain any organizational and legal concepts involved (if any)
g. Propose resolutions with explanations
a. Background on the case
b. Legal principles
c. Defendant and Plaintiff
d. Summary of court
e. Conclusion and /or verdict
f. Impact how the case has affected healthcare delivery and in which cases it was used to make a decision
Source for the assignment: Attached

Please answer all three questions. Case study should be no longer than 3 pages.

Please answer all three questions. Case study should be no longer than 3 pages.

Please answer all three questions. Case study should be no longer than 3 pages. Be sure to
reference the textbook. I recommend using Ch 8, 12, 16, 18, and 19, to support your
responses. I am not limiting you to those chapters. All 3 questions must be answered for
full credit. APA style required.
Note: Reference The attached book only

Discuss the importance of utilizing business and project plans in the health car

Discuss the importance of utilizing business and project plans in the health car

Discuss the importance of utilizing business and project plans in the health care industry. How does this differ from other business environments? Describe common elements used in most standard business plManaging Health Care Business Strategy
Moseley, G. B. (2017). Managing health care business strategy (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett. ISBN-13: 9781284081107an models.