Dear writer based on the attached research paper kindly go through it and adjust

Dear writer based on the attached research paper kindly go through it and adjust

Dear writer based on the attached research paper kindly go through it and adjust based on the blue comments only that you will find on the side of the same attached folder, Important kindly just adjust based on the comments with blue color, and beside each blue comments kindly highlight your adjusted/or added parts in light blue for easily to be tracked by me.
Note: on page 24 you will find 2 comments related to the sample size you can say that there were more than 353 answers but I choose to take the 353 only based on Slovin’s formula” but regarding the part which says “the suggested sample size calculation is approximately a minimum of 400” >> honestly I’m not sure why my data analyst personnel put this number? So kindly adjust as you can see correct and suitable in a matter not to be confusing. Moreover, kindly provide more or detailed explanation of the Slovin’s formula on how is being calculated exactly? Don’t add on the same research paper, either you add on a different folder or on the chat section between me and you (the writer).
Lastly, kindly avoid plagiarism and update the table of content if it will be changed based on the additions you will make, and keep the comments section done by my supervisor (Noor Alshareef) as they are but don’t keep any formatting or changing track done by you on the comment section to prevent heaviness of the file while scrolling up and down. Reminder: don’t make any extra adjustments/or additions on the paper unless related to the blue comments of my supervisor.
Thank you