1.What are the advantages and risks of covert action? Do you think that present

1.What are the advantages and risks of covert action? Do you think that present

1.What are the advantages and risks of covert action? Do you think that present legal oversight and safeguards are sufficient? What do you think the primary purposes of congressional oversight are? Is congressional oversight of covert operations too restrictive? How would you compare the conduct of operations under AUMF (which does not require congressional oversight) to CIA operations which require a written finding and reporting, at a minimum to the “Gang of Eight”?

Review these articles (and the readings for this week):
Regulating Deep-Fakes:Legal and Ethical Considerations
LSTD 517 U.S. Homeland Security Threat of Deep Fakes.pdf
LSTD 517 DeepFakes Cyber Security.pdf (Read pages 6-19)
Deepfakes and American Law
Legal Issues of Deepfakes
Be sure also to review: National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Section 5709 (page 972)(Note that in 2023, subsection (d) was removed and subsection (e) was redesignated as subsection (d)).
2. Explain the positive aspects of deep fakes and then explain the serious ethical, criminal, and/or civil matters (e.g., defamation) that might arise with the use of deep fakes. Provide real-life examples.
3. Depending upon your interests answer either of these questions:
a) What technology can be utilized to protect companies and individuals?
b) What federal and/or state laws are there to protect companies and individuals regarding deep fakes? How do you define “protect” under such circumstances?
4. Does deep fake technology pose a danger to democracy, our ethical norms, or the legal system? Why or why not?
5. Can you formulate a plan to help these three individuals from deep fakes? What would your plan include? Is such a plan ethically, legally, and/or technologically feasible?
6. What do you think deep fake concern is for one or more of the individuals noted?
In your responsive posts, explain the ethical concerns regarding your classmates’ proposals and the possible legal implications.

3. This week you were exposed to an array of theories that should help to jump start your research.
What theory have you chosen to help you answer your research question?
Please take this opportunity to practice discussing your theory in detail by explaining why you think it’s a good fit for the research project, the level of analysis it operates at, the variables it acknowledges, and what the hypothesis will be.
Your discussion should demonstrate a reflection upon the peer reviewed literature. Include citations or attribution to the text of the post.

4. After completing the readings, students will consider and respond to these questions in accordance with the instructions contained in the Guidelines section of the course design plan.
Enhanced interrogation is intended to enable the acquisition of Intelligence by causing noncompliant subjects to cooperate. What are the potential benefits? Are these methods likely to work?
Consider the potential for loss of credibility or if enhanced interrogation techniques are perceived by the U.S. public or international community to have exceeded what is permissible. Do the potential benefits outweigh the potential negative reaction?