Source requirement: A minimum of six credible sources that you’ll find through r

Source requirement: A minimum of six credible sources that you’ll find through r

Source requirement: A minimum of six credible sources that you’ll find through research.
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Essay Prompt:
For this essay assignment, I am asking you to write a research-based definition essay. Specifically, I would like you to define the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, social, and economic). Your definition should also provide specific examples of each pillar. The challenge of this essay is that you are identifying and evaluating all of the research sources.
Writing a definition essay means going beyond a basic dictionary definition. The research that you find will allow you to extend the definition by providing specific examples. While there is no set formula for writing a definition essay, here are some questions for you to consider:
What is the essential nature of the concept of sustainability?
What are the distinguishing characteristics of each of the three pillars?
What are specific examples of each of the pillars?
What is important for your audience to know about the three pillars of sustainability?
When you define something, your primary purpose is to share important information while demonstrating that you have a clear understanding of the topic. As you consider your audience for this essay, you should assume that they are also thinking about this topic and may have similar or different ideas and examples.
Essay Requirements:
A minimum of three-to-four double-spaced pages, not including the Works Cited page
A minimum of six credible sources. Your definition of each pillar must directly refer to at least two sources, with at least one quote.
Suggested Organizational Pattern:
Introductory paragraph that introduces the concept of sustainability. You should mention the three pillars in your introduction, but save the development and examples for the body of your paper.
One or two paragraphs on the first pillar
One or two paragraphs on the second pillar
One or two paragraphs on the third pillar
A concluding paragraph that suggests why it’s important to understand the three pillars of sustainability.
Note about the body paragraphs: Try to keep the length of each consistent. In other words, choose to write either one paragraph for each or two paragraphs for each.
Criteria for a successful essay include:
A title that captures the essence of your essay
Well-developed introduction
Well-developed support (weave in quotes and analyze them)
Logical organization with topic sentences and transitions
Conclusion that adds a final thought
Few sentence-level errors
MLA or APA citation