Outline for the Paper: Each student will complete a paper on a selected topic re

Outline for the Paper: Each student will complete a paper on a selected topic re

Outline for the Paper: Each student will complete a paper on a selected topic related to course content, investigate the topic in depth and provide a formal 4-6 page term paper (excluding the cover page and the reference page/section). The goal of the paper is for you to understand the topic, become familiar with the research and theoretical approaches associated with the topic, and learn about intervention and prevention approaches and social change efforts related to the topic. Evaluation of the paper will be based on instructions followed, scholarly approach, writing proficiency (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and style), and connection to course content and class learning. Topics need to be specific. Select a topic related to Domestic Violence that interests you (i.e. elder abuse, child abuse, stalking, etc.) – and then begin narrowing it down further. You may choose a specific demographic group (age, race/ethnicity, religion, geographical or regional group, etc) or you may choose to examine your topic from a specific perspective (treatment issues, theoretical perspective, professional considerations such as legal or educational factors). Some examples of narrowed topics include: Physical abuse of Hispanic children ages 7- 12; Financial abuse of the elderly – legal considerations; Theoretical Frameworks for working with adult survivors of child sexual abuse…… Students are encouraged to select a topic of their own, but will need the instructor’s approval. Topic for the Term Paper will be the same as the topic used for Assignment I of this course. Refer to the specific Assignment Document located in this course for grading rubric and additional information. The written paper should be organized under the following headings (please use distinct sub-headings whenever required): Introduction In this section, you should discuss how and why you are interested in researching the topic or issue. This section will then include a general introduction on the topic and ultimately narrow down to the specific topic or issue. You may support this section with one or two references (peer reviewed journal articles) to support your statement. History/Background of the topic In this section, you will discuss the importance of the topic i.e. why it is important. Further, you will answer the questions: who, what, where, and when besides the why of the issue. The section will provide relevant information about the history/background information (including statistical data, important definitions, and other interesting facts and highlight as necessary) about the social issue, the specific population that it impacts and how it impacts. You will also describe challenges encountered by that population. Theoretical perspective, context analysis, and limitations In this section the group should include theory(s) or perspective (s) that is especially relevant to explain the topic/issue. This will not only be in support of the problem/issues, but also strengthen their discussion. This section should also concentrate on limitations or significant areas that are important, but will not be explored because of page restrictions. This will allow you to convey to the instructor that you are aware of the importance of the related areas. Conclusion In this section, you will include the overall findings of your paper. You should also discuss what you think will be some of the future recommendations, for example, in terms of practice and research implications related to this issue. References and Appendix Materials – The Reference Page is in addition to the required 4-6 pages. The paper including the reference section will be according to APA guidelines. Appendix materials should be well organized. The bibliography must cite at least three professional sources (peer reviewed journal articles, books, and/or other online sources) used to prepare the paper. A list of names of relevant journals and links to websites has been provided on the current and next page. (NOTE: If you are including any Website as one of your electronic sources/references, in that case, you are only allowed to use a SINGLE website source, NOT multiple websites.) The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Edition) is the style manual to be followed for all assignments in this class. Proper referencing (authors, year, titles, page numbers, etc.) of assignments is required. This includes giving due credit to others when indirect quotes (paraphrasing) and direct (verbatim) quotes are used. Short direct quotes (less than 40 words) must be placed in quotation marks. Long direct quotes (40 or more words) should be indented. Paraphrasing requires more than changing a word or two in a sentence. NOTE: Plagiarism is a form of scholastic dishonesty and can lead to failing the paper (“0” for the assignment) or failing the course (“F” for the course). Procedures at LU as described in the student conduct code will be followed. If you do not know how to cite appropriately, please learn before you submit any assignments either by following the handout on APA style referencing (will be given in class) or consulting your instructor. Journals: Affilia – Journal of Women and Social Work Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Sage. Journal of Family Violence Journal of marriage and the Family Journal of Family Issues Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology Psychology of Women Quarterly Social Work – Journal of the National Association of Social Workers Victimology – An International Journal Violence and Victims Violence Against Women – An International and Interdisciplinary Journal. Sage Periodicals Press. Violence Update – The Monthly Newsletter for Professionals Working in Interpersonal Violence. Sage. Websites of Interest: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/vawo — U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women http://ncadv.org — National Coalition Against Domestic Violence http://ndvh.org — National Domestic Violence Hotline http://endabuse.org — Family Violence Prevention Fund http://www.wscadv.org — Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs239/en/ — World Health Organization, Violence Against Women