Pick a person to interview. This person should be either older or younger than y

Pick a person to interview. This person should be either older or younger than y

Pick a person to interview. This person should be either older or younger than you, a different race/ethnicity, or have a disability.
Before your interview, answer the following questions yourself:How do you know this person?
What do you know about this person? Think about the cultural iceberg, the layers of what you know. What more do you want to know about them?
Interview the person that you selected using the questions provided below.
You will also need to reflect and answer the interview questions yourself to compare with the answers of the person you interviewed for this assignment.
Write a 2–3-page comparison paper comparing your responses and the responses of your interviewee. This should be more than a “she/he said”, “I said” type of paper. You will want to go in-depth when comparing your responses with your interviewee. In your paper you will need to include the following things:Your reaction to their responses.
Did this interview change your opinion of the person? Why or why not?
Why do you think it is important to reflect on your own upbringing and to get to know the upbringing of the children and families you are working with?
Submit to Canvas. You will need to include the interview questions and the responses.
Interview Questions:
What year were you born?
How would you define your culture?
What is your birth order (first, middle, last)?
How did your birth order play a role in how you grew up (more responsibilities, less responsibilities, etc.)?
What were some of the beliefs and values of your family?
What are some stereotypes that people might have about your culture, race, and ethnicity? Did those positively or negatively impact you growing up?
What were some of your experiences in school? Were they positive or negative? How did they impact how you grew up?
Were there any community programs that you were involved in? What was your role?
Were there any world events happening that impacted how you grew up? What was the impact?
Do you still have some of the same beliefs and values now, as an adult?
What changed and stayed the same? Why?
Do you believe that your experiences and relationships played a role in how you developed your beliefs and values? Why or why not?