Title: Near-Term Future of Terrorism in the United States Topic: What is the ter

Title: Near-Term Future of Terrorism in the United States Topic: What is the ter

Title: Near-Term Future of Terrorism in the United States Topic: What is the terrorist group most likely to strike within the United States in the next five years? What method or means will this group probably use to carry out the attack, and what is the most effective means of countering the attack? Length: No less than five (5) pages and no more than seven (7) pages (typed, double-spaced). At least four (4) referenced sources; APA style including subheadings for each section; submitted in Canvas using this Module 7 – Portfolio Project Assignment link. Your paper must also include the following content, which will be considered using the Content/Organization Section of the Portfolio Project Assignment (PPA) rubric attached below: Terrorist Group Facts – Current and Up-to-Date Historical Facts About Group Type of Attack and Counter Explanation

Posted in Law