Question 1During the morning rush hour, David Green threw bottles and plates fro

Question 1During the morning rush hour, David Green threw bottles and plates fro

Question 1During the morning rush hour, David Green threw bottles and plates from a twenty-sixth-floor hotel balcony overlooking Seventh Avenue in New York City. A video of the incident also showed him doing cartwheels while holding a beer bottle and sprinting toward the balcony while holding a glass steadily in his hand. When he saw police on the street below and on the roof of the building across the street, he suspended his antics but resumed tossing objects off the balcony after the police left. He later admitted that he could recall what he had done, but claimed to have been intoxicated and said his only purpose was to amuse himself and his friends. Did Green have the mental state required to establish criminal liability? Discuss. [State of New York v. Green, 104 A.D.3d 126, 958 N.Y.S.2d 138 (1 Dept. 2013)] (See Criminal Liability.)Question 210–5. Defenses to Criminal Liability. George Castro told Ambrosio Medrano that a bribe to a certain corrupt Los Angeles County official would buy a contract with the county hospitals. To share in the deal, Medrano recruited Gustavo Buenrostro. In turn, Buenrostro contacted his friend James Barta, the owner of Sav-Rx, which provides prescription benefit management services. Barta was asked to pay a “finder’s fee” to Castro. He did not pay, even after frequent e-mails and calls with deadlines and ultimatums delivered over a period of months. Eventually, Barta wrote Castro a Sav-Rx check for $6,500, saying that it was to help his friend Buenrostro. Castro was an FBI agent, and the county official and contract were fictional. Barta was charged with conspiracy to commit bribery. At trial, the government conceded that Barta was not predisposed to commit the crime. Could he be absolved of the charge on a defense of entrapment? Explain. [United States v. Barta, 776 F.3d 931 (7th Cir. 2015)] (See Defenses to Criminal Liability.)Question 3Gary Peters fraudulently told an undocumented immigrant that Peters could help him obtain lawful status. Peters said that he knew immigration officials and asked for money to aid in the process. The victim paid Peters at least $25,000 in wire transfers and checks. Peters had others call the victim, falsely represent that they were agents with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and induce continued payments. He threatened to contact authorities to detain or deport the victim and his wife. Peters was charged with wire fraud and convicted in a federal district court. Peters’s attorney argued that his client’s criminal history was partially due to “difficult personal times” caused by divorce, illness, and job loss. Despite this claim, Peters was sentenced to forty-eight months imprisonment, which exceeded the federal sentencing guidelines but was less than the statutory maximum of twenty years. Was this sentence too harsh? Was it too lenient? Discuss.

Posted in Law

Research Paper. This paper should help build research and writing skills and lea

Research Paper. This paper should help build research and writing skills and lea

Research Paper. This paper should help build research and writing skills and lead to a deeper understanding of a specific topic. Each student will develop a thesis statement related to a topic in corrections as presented in the text. This thesis must be submitted in writing, as scheduled, in the drop box for approval. This will also list FIVE (5) academic journal articles and the source academic journal. A sample thesis is available in the content section under research paper resources. An approved topic cannot be changed. The paper will be five to seven (5-7) pages long using correct APA (American Psychological Association) citations and referencing format with a minimum of FIVE (5) academic journal sources, not textbooks, dictionaries, and encyclopedias (including those such as Wikipedia). Academic papers are written in the third person and in standard English. The thesis should be directly tied to the conclusion, and the last page should be the reference page. The instructor will read the manuscript one time and give comments if submitted when due. High scores are achievable if the feedback given on the manuscript is followed. As with other assignments, the manuscript will be deposited in the drop box. Only complete final drafts will be evaluated. Late papers will lose one full letter grade for every day late. Writing requirements: – The paper must have at least five and no more than seven pages of original writing with supporting sources. – The paper must be typed using Times New Roman, size 12 font, doubled spaced. – Page numbers must appear at the top right of the page except for the title page. – A title page, abstract page, and reference page must be included and do not count as part of the 5 to 7-page requirement. – Pictures and Graphs do not count towards the 5 to 7-page requirement. The paper will be graded on grammar, including spelling and punctuation, general clarity, and organization including a clear thesis and connection to the conclusion. Personal pronouns and contractions will not be used. Students should avoid lengthy quotes in papers and assignments. The skills being graded are the ability to research, analyze and articulate, not the ability to cut and paste. FAILURE TO SUBMIT A PAPER RESULT IN FAILURE FOR THE COURS

Posted in Law

Prepare a 10-15 slide presentation about a topic discussed in the text book that

Prepare a 10-15 slide presentation about a topic discussed in the text book that

Prepare a 10-15 slide presentation about a topic discussed in the text book that you found to be most important to you. -Discuss the issue -Why it is important -Why an individual would benefit from this topic -How it can the topic impact an individual and or a relationship Title: Choices in Relationships ISBN: 9781071870204 Authors: David Knox, Caroline Schacht, I. Joyce Chang Publisher: SAGE Publications Publication Date: 2023-02-22

Posted in Law

Instructions: In a short, argumentative essay of up to 750 words (excluding cita

Instructions: In a short, argumentative essay of up to 750 words (excluding cita

Instructions: In a short, argumentative essay of up to 750 words (excluding citations), explain whether you agree, disagree, or partially agree/disagree (specifying which elements) with the following:
Prompt: “In 2022 the Roberts Court announced two groundbreaking ‘history and tradition’ decisions in the fields of reproductive rights and gun rights, Dobbs v. Jackson and NYRPA v. Bruen. While Living Constitutionalists criticized these decisions as out of step with modern values, both decisions increased democratic legitimacy by returning policy decisions to elected legislatures where they belong. History is a useful source of moral and legal guidance and an emphasis on tradition ensures the stability of the rule of law. While Originalism can be difficult to implement consistently, it is nonetheless an important constraint on dangerous judicial overreach that threatens individual rights.”
Material to Cover: In your essay be sure to include references to course readings and materials. Secondary articles by Post and Siegel, Siegel, Lund, Levin, Bazelon, and Posner would be especially helpful.
Advice: A good example of an Op-ed we read for class is Linda Greenhouse, “Religious Doctrine, Not the Constitution, Drove the Dobbs Decision” for lecture 11.
Citations: Citations should be either parenthetical or footnotes and include the name of the author or case name, title, year, and page number (if citing to a specific passage). You may use APA, MLA, or Chicago style of reference, as long as you are consistent throughout the essay.
Additional Research: You may do additional research beyond course readings, but it is not required to write a successful essay. If you choose to do additional research, you must clearly cite these sources with enough information for the teaching team to find the source.
Word Limit: For every 50 words over the word limit of 750 (excluding citations), 1 point will be deducted from the total score.

Posted in Law

Chapters 9 & 10 (Read pages 166 – 203). Eyewitness Testimony – A multimedia pres

Chapters 9 & 10 (Read pages 166 – 203). Eyewitness Testimony – A multimedia pres

Chapters 9 & 10 (Read pages 166 – 203). Eyewitness Testimony – A multimedia presentation to demonstrate your creativity and communication skills while showcasing your understanding of the usefulness of this aspect of the criminal justice system. (100 points) You must find scholarly resources on this topic (no Wiki or other general Google information, no AI, resources should be within the last ten years and found in journal articles, government websites, or books). Learning Objectives: 9-1 Compare and contrast the federal and state court systems. 9-2 Identify the similarities and differences between criminal courts and state courts. 9-3 Define the roles of each of the members of the courtroom work group. 9-4 Describe basic courtroom practices and procedures. 9-5 Identify the steps involved in conducting a courtroom trial. 9-6 Summarize the role of the forensic psychologist in courtroom procedures. 10-1 Identify the effects of deinstitutionalizing psychiatric facilities. 10-2 Describe three different types of specialized courts and the purpose of such courts. 10-3 Explain the conditions under which a forensic psychologist has a duty to warn others of a potentially dangerous client. 10-4 Describe the manner in which competence to stand trial may be assessed. 10-5 Compare and contrast guilty but mentally ill and not guilty by reason of insanity. Final Assignment Details: Despite advances in forensic science, eyewitness testimony remains a critical component of criminal investigations. But psychological research has revealed the dangers of relying on this testimony and how careful the police must be when questioning witnesses. Witnesses often only identify somebody about 40% of the time from a line up. Sometimes the suspect that’s been identified isn’t actually the culprit. The video you watched in week 1 begins by exploring some serious miscarriages of justice. Featuring a real eyewitness whose testimony sent the wrong man to prison. There had been misidentification.. It wasn’t malicious intent, it wasn’t racially motivated– but it didn’t matter, because the end result was Ronald Cotton spent a third of his life in prison for something he didn’t do. Watch the video prior to completing this assignment. For this final assignment create a digital presentation that incorporates your choice of various forms of multimedia, such as audio, video, graphics, and animations, to present research findings and analysis on the topic of use of eyewitness testimony in criminal cases. You get to choose the end product. It can be a power point with multiple components. This assignment is worth 100 points and full credit will not be given for a 2 minute video or 3 slide PowerPoint. In every criminal justice career you will likely be given tasks without a specific set of instructions. A large part of what you should be learning is how to review material and relay it in a professional way. This is why I don’t add tons of specifications to my assignments. I am giving you the opportunity to practice for your future career. The presentation will explore the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, the factors that can influence its reliability, and the potential implications for the criminal justice system. The presentation should include a discussion of potential solutions to the problems associated with eyewitness testimony, such as the use of alternative identification procedures or the use of expert witnesses in court. I asked chatGPT: What are good prompts for a writing assignment for forensic psychology students regarding the dangers of eyewitness testimony? “Here are some writing prompts for a forensic psychology assignment on the dangers of eyewitness testimony: Analyze the limitations and potential dangers of eyewitness testimony in criminal investigations. Discuss factors that can influence the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness accounts and explain how these limitations can lead to wrongful convictions. Compare and contrast the reliability of eyewitness testimony versus other forms of evidence, such as DNA evidence or video surveillance footage. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each type of evidence and the implications for the criminal justice system. Examine the role of memory in eyewitness testimony. Discuss the malleability of memory and how post-event information and suggestive questioning can distort the accuracy of eyewitness accounts. Provide examples and discuss the implications for the legal system. Explore the impact of cross-racial identification on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. Discuss research findings on the potential for misidentification in racially diverse settings and the challenges this poses for fair and just legal proceedings. Investigate the influence of lineup procedures on eyewitness identification accuracy. Discuss the different types of lineup methods, such as simultaneous or sequential lineups, and their respective impact on identification accuracy. Consider the role of administrator bias and the potential for mistaken identifications. Discuss the use of expert testimony in challenging eyewitness testimony. Explain the role of forensic psychologists in providing expert opinions on eyewitness identification and their contribution to the legal system in evaluating and interpreting eyewitness evidence. Critically analyze real-life cases where mistaken eyewitness identifications have led to wrongful convictions. Discuss the factors that contributed to the errors and evaluate the subsequent impact on the individuals involved and the criminal justice system as a whole. Examine the legal and procedural reforms aimed at minimizing the dangers of eyewitness testimony. Discuss best practices, such as the use of double-blind lineup procedures and the importance of proper eyewitness instructions, in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness identification. These prompts can serve as starting points for students to conduct research, evaluate empirical evidence, and develop well-supported arguments regarding the dangers and limitations of eyewitness testimony in forensic psychology.”

Posted in Law

Prepare a 10-15 slide presentation about a topic discussed in the text book that

Prepare a 10-15 slide presentation about a topic discussed in the text book that

Prepare a 10-15 slide presentation about a topic discussed in the text book that you found to be most important to you. -Discuss the issue -Why it is important -Why an individual would benefit from this topic -How it can the topic impact an individual and or a relationship Title: Choices in Relationships ISBN: 9781071870204 Authors: David Knox, Caroline Schacht, I. Joyce Chang Publisher: SAGE Publications Publication Date: 2023-02-22

Posted in Law

Chapters 9 & 10 (Read pages 166 – 203). Eyewitness Testimony – A multimedia pres

Chapters 9 & 10 (Read pages 166 – 203). Eyewitness Testimony – A multimedia pres

Chapters 9 & 10 (Read pages 166 – 203). Eyewitness Testimony – A multimedia presentation to demonstrate your creativity and communication skills while showcasing your understanding of the usefulness of this aspect of the criminal justice system. (100 points) You must find scholarly resources on this topic (no Wiki or other general Google information, no AI, resources should be within the last ten years and found in journal articles, government websites, or books). Learning Objectives: 9-1 Compare and contrast the federal and state court systems. 9-2 Identify the similarities and differences between criminal courts and state courts. 9-3 Define the roles of each of the members of the courtroom work group. 9-4 Describe basic courtroom practices and procedures. 9-5 Identify the steps involved in conducting a courtroom trial. 9-6 Summarize the role of the forensic psychologist in courtroom procedures. 10-1 Identify the effects of deinstitutionalizing psychiatric facilities. 10-2 Describe three different types of specialized courts and the purpose of such courts. 10-3 Explain the conditions under which a forensic psychologist has a duty to warn others of a potentially dangerous client. 10-4 Describe the manner in which competence to stand trial may be assessed. 10-5 Compare and contrast guilty but mentally ill and not guilty by reason of insanity. Final Assignment Details: Despite advances in forensic science, eyewitness testimony remains a critical component of criminal investigations. But psychological research has revealed the dangers of relying on this testimony and how careful the police must be when questioning witnesses. Witnesses often only identify somebody about 40% of the time from a line up. Sometimes the suspect that’s been identified isn’t actually the culprit. The video you watched in week 1 begins by exploring some serious miscarriages of justice. Featuring a real eyewitness whose testimony sent the wrong man to prison. There had been misidentification.. It wasn’t malicious intent, it wasn’t racially motivated– but it didn’t matter, because the end result was Ronald Cotton spent a third of his life in prison for something he didn’t do. Watch the video prior to completing this assignment. For this final assignment create a digital presentation that incorporates your choice of various forms of multimedia, such as audio, video, graphics, and animations, to present research findings and analysis on the topic of use of eyewitness testimony in criminal cases. You get to choose the end product. It can be a power point with multiple components. This assignment is worth 100 points and full credit will not be given for a 2 minute video or 3 slide PowerPoint. In every criminal justice career you will likely be given tasks without a specific set of instructions. A large part of what you should be learning is how to review material and relay it in a professional way. This is why I don’t add tons of specifications to my assignments. I am giving you the opportunity to practice for your future career. The presentation will explore the accuracy of eyewitness testimony, the factors that can influence its reliability, and the potential implications for the criminal justice system. The presentation should include a discussion of potential solutions to the problems associated with eyewitness testimony, such as the use of alternative identification procedures or the use of expert witnesses in court. I asked chatGPT: What are good prompts for a writing assignment for forensic psychology students regarding the dangers of eyewitness testimony? “Here are some writing prompts for a forensic psychology assignment on the dangers of eyewitness testimony: Analyze the limitations and potential dangers of eyewitness testimony in criminal investigations. Discuss factors that can influence the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness accounts and explain how these limitations can lead to wrongful convictions. Compare and contrast the reliability of eyewitness testimony versus other forms of evidence, such as DNA evidence or video surveillance footage. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each type of evidence and the implications for the criminal justice system. Examine the role of memory in eyewitness testimony. Discuss the malleability of memory and how post-event information and suggestive questioning can distort the accuracy of eyewitness accounts. Provide examples and discuss the implications for the legal system. Explore the impact of cross-racial identification on the accuracy of eyewitness testimony. Discuss research findings on the potential for misidentification in racially diverse settings and the challenges this poses for fair and just legal proceedings. Investigate the influence of lineup procedures on eyewitness identification accuracy. Discuss the different types of lineup methods, such as simultaneous or sequential lineups, and their respective impact on identification accuracy. Consider the role of administrator bias and the potential for mistaken identifications. Discuss the use of expert testimony in challenging eyewitness testimony. Explain the role of forensic psychologists in providing expert opinions on eyewitness identification and their contribution to the legal system in evaluating and interpreting eyewitness evidence. Critically analyze real-life cases where mistaken eyewitness identifications have led to wrongful convictions. Discuss the factors that contributed to the errors and evaluate the subsequent impact on the individuals involved and the criminal justice system as a whole. Examine the legal and procedural reforms aimed at minimizing the dangers of eyewitness testimony. Discuss best practices, such as the use of double-blind lineup procedures and the importance of proper eyewitness instructions, in order to enhance the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness identification. These prompts can serve as starting points for students to conduct research, evaluate empirical evidence, and develop well-supported arguments regarding the dangers and limitations of eyewitness testimony in forensic psychology.”

Posted in Law

Complete a short leadership paper that describes leadership and manager competen

Complete a short leadership paper that describes leadership and manager competen

Complete a short leadership paper that describes leadership and manager competencies & styles.
Essays must be structurally intact with appropriate grammar, sentence and paragraph composition, spelling, punctuation, and logical, clear essay development (including introduction and conclusion). Paper length 1-2 pages (MAX… POINTS WILL BE DEDUCTED IF OVER 2 PAGES), excluding cover and reference page. Must have a minimum of three references and references must be within 5 years.

Posted in Law