HISTORY Policing & Popular Justice in Ireland 1500 word essay, due Monday 26 Feb

HISTORY Policing & Popular Justice in Ireland 1500 word essay, due Monday 26 Feb

HISTORY Policing & Popular Justice in Ireland 1500 word essay, due Monday 26 February Answer ONE of the five questions below. Question 1. Discuss the Royal Irish Constabulary, focusing on its organisation and the challenges it faced. Question 2: Compare and contrast two different rural or other secret society organisations active in the 18th and/or 19th centuries. Identify and discuss similarities and any differences in the two organisations. Question 3: Discuss faction fighting in Ireland during the 19th century. Explain some of its common features, manifestations, causes, and the demographics of participants. Question 4: Identify the main features of Ireland’s 19th century Temperance Movement. Make sure to include Father Mathew’s campaign. Question 5: When considering Irish holidays in the 18th and 19th centuries, please identify some common features, particularly in relationship to ‘mumming’ traditions. The essay is 1500 words. The word count includes footnotes but excludes the bibliography. Please vary your reading. Use multiple academic secondary sources (book or journal articles). Please check Canvas for reading materials. Supplementary reading is encouraged. Use footnotes and provide a bibliography. There is no preferred referencing style (ie Chicago Manual Style). But whichever style you choose, use it consistently throughout the essay. All essays should have a bibliography.