Deliverable Length: 2 pages (not including cover page and resource page) The fol

Deliverable Length: 2 pages (not including cover page and resource page)
The fol

Deliverable Length: 2 pages (not including cover page and resource page)
The following information may be helpful in understanding chi-square and hypothesis testing:

Please review this helpful video. The presenter uses flipping a coin and rolling a die. These are examples and analogies used in the CTU resources.
The following are assumptions that might make the assignment more helpful and make the responses more uniform:
Continue to utilize the Big D scenario. Work under the assumption that the sample is based upon 2 different proposed product lines.
Additionally, work under the assumption that the same demographics are utilized for each product.
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Click on Unit 3
Click on Books & Resources
Use any of the other units if needed to complete this assignment. Thank you 🙂