Portfolio Assignment due Oct 27 Creating a portfolio will help to start the proc

Portfolio Assignment due Oct 27
Creating a portfolio will help to start the proc

Portfolio Assignment due Oct 27
Creating a portfolio will help to start the process for job searching. It is important to always have an up to date resume on file. You never know when you will need it and it is often difficult to remember specific dates of employment and other activities such as presentations. This assignment includes the following:
All 3 components must be present:
Cover Letter (1 page max)
Review the Grading Rubric below for grading criteria.
Portfolio Assignment: Cover Letter/Resume Grading Rubric (15%) Total Points 15
Opening Paragraph
The opening paragraph is poorly written and is missing more than one of the required elements
The opening paragraph is poorly written or is missing one of the required elements: why you are interested, specific job, where you heard of the job. (2)
The opening paragraph arouses the interest of the employer by stating why you are interested in the organization, names the specific job applied for, and states where you heard of the job. (3)
Middle Paragraph
The middle paragraph is poorly written and does not make the employer want to meet the individual, noes not emphasize the resume and does not refer to the job description. (1)
The middle paragraph is poorly written and does not create a desire for the employer to know more about the student or does not emphasize the resume.
The middle paragraph is neatly written and creates a desire for an employer to know more about you. It emphasizes the resume pointing out achievements and qualifications that meet the job description. (3)
Closing Paragraph
There is no closing paragraph.
The closing paragraph leaves the employer unsure if the applicant would like an interview or does not offer to call in the future. (2)
The closing paragraph paves the way for an interview by offering to call in the future. (3)
Presentation Format
Margins are balanced with many uneven tab margins and spacing between lines/sections
Does not use capitalization and bold to highlight headings
Font and point size distract from readability
Difficult to discern strongest experiences and strengths
Resume extends beyond length guidelines
Margins are balanced with some uneven tab margins and spacing between lines/sections
Uses capitalization and bold to highlight headings inconsistently
Appropriate font but too small for easy readability
Strongest experiences and strengths could be better positioned to the top of the page
Resume extends beyond length guidelines
Margins are balanced with even tab margins and spacing between lines/sections
Uses capitalization and bold to highlight headings consistently
Appropriate font and point size
Strongest experiences and strengths are listed in the top 2/3 of the page
Resume length is 1 – 2 pages
Resume: Header, Activities, & Honors Section
Education is not at the top or the end
*1 – 2 pieces of header information are missing/font size is small (less than 10 pt)
*Personal attributes not noted
*No activities and/or honors noted
*No extra information given to enhance resume
Education at the top
*1 – 2 pieces of header information are missing, font size is easy to read
*Personal attributes identified Activities and honors noted
*Minimal extra information given to enhance resume
Education at the top
*Header information is complete/font size is easy to read
*Personal attributes identified Activities and honors noted
*Extra information given to enhance resume
Writing Skills
Sentences are generally adequate. There are lapses in mechanics, punctuation, and grammar.
Sentences are usually controlled. There are minor errors in mechanics, punctuation, and word usage. (2)
Sentences are fluent and effective. Very few errors in mechanics, punctuation, and word usage. (3)
One Reference listed with Name, Title, Address Business Telephone Number and email address
Two References listed with Name, Title, Address Business Telephone Number and email address
Three References listed with Name, Title, Address Business Telephone Number and email address
*Formatting Requirements for Letter:
1 – 2 pages in length
Font: Times New Roman, 10 – 12 font size
Letter is signed (can use electronic signature for the purpose of this assignment)
Power Point Presentation reviews some points on creating cover letter, Resume and References
The Module 7 content page includes examples of cover letter and recommendations for Resume format.