Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined? What are the advan

Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined?
What are the advan

Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of I Q tests and testing?
Why is the medical definition of intellectual disabilities of little use to teachers?
Adaptive behavior is the degree to which an individual meets the standards of personal independence and social responsibility expected of his or her age and social group. What are some specific examples of adaptive behavior? Why is adaptive behavior difficult to measure? Why is it necessary to include adaptive behavior in the definition of intellectual disabilities?
How might a child appear intellectually disabled in school but not in the community? How might a child appear intellectually disabled outside his or her social group?
How can an individual’s interaction with the environment cause intellectual disabilities?
What are the most important curriculum goals for children with intellectual disabilities?
What supports do you think are necessary for successful inclusion of a student with intellectual disabilities in a general education classroom?x