Choose a topic from your major, a hobby, a job you’ve had, or some other area of

Choose a topic from your major, a hobby, a job you’ve had, or some other area of

Choose a topic from your major, a hobby, a job you’ve had, or some other area of interest or training. The task should consist of at least three major steps.
Make sure that your topic isn’t too complex (“Landing a Plane in an Emergency” or “How to Build, Plant, Irrigate, and Maintain a Raised Garden Bed”) or too simple (“Doing the Laundry” or “Washing Your Car”).
Some general topic ideas appear in the “Topic Ideas for Procedures” page in the Unit #3 folder. Topics that are not allowed are also listed there.
You will complete an Audience Profile to help you identify your ideal reader. The page in the Unit #3 folder titled “How to Complete Your Audience Profile” will guide you through this. You will submit your Audience Profile early (on Wednesday September 27) so that I can provide feedback before you complete the instructions. This feedback will be focused on helping you to produce the best Instruction Sheet possible, so be sure to read it. The Audience Profile will be graded out of 10 points (which will count toward your Unit #3 grade).
The Instruction Sheet must include visuals. They can be original images (such as photographs that you take yourself), images that you take from another source (properly cited, of course), or an “art brief” which combines a rough diagram with a written description of what the visual should depict.
Don’t get too nervous about the requirement for visuals. You won’t be graded based on the quality of the visuals as much as you will upon how effectively you use them (their location, how they are labelled, how they are referred to). We’ll discuss visuals in more detail in the Chapter 6 online notes and in the Specific Overview page.