“One merit brief is written by the petitioners (the state of Florida) and the ot

“One merit brief is written by the petitioners (the state of Florida) and the ot

“One merit brief is written by the petitioners (the state of Florida) and the other is written by the respondent, NetChoice. I would like you to read both of these briefs. Then, in a clearly written, very well-argued essay of no more than 500 words, I would like you to clearly identify and describe what you judge to be the best specific argument in either brief and then explain what you find to be so persuasive about that one argument.” – from my professor.
Please only use the uploaded docs as sources. Sources do not need to be cited. Please use a writing style that is simple writing, with a relevant idea delivered clearly and directly. Please do not try to sound “overly intelligent” in the essay where it’s obvious the paper was written by someone else.

Posted in Law