Address the following topics. Do not respond in a list or bullets. Your thread s

Address the following topics. Do not respond in a list or bullets. Your thread s

Address the following topics. Do not respond in a list or bullets. Your thread should be in paragraph format. Remember to cite the textbook or the Bible.
Paragraph 1 – A goal of this course was to share effective academic strategies to be a successful online student at a Christian university, such as time management, writing, Biblical worldview, academic integrity, learning styles/adult responsibilities, finding online support resources, and educational skills like note-taking or test-taking. Textbook readings, course videos, chapter activities, and other assignments helped accomplish this goal. Do you feel that you are now better prepared to be an online student? Why or why not? Where do you think the above-mentioned educational skills will be needed and/or be strengthened during the remainder of your coursework and academic career? How else, outside of Liberty University, might you master these skills in order to help you succeed in your career and life? Paragraph 2 – A second goal of this course was to utilize research and technology to enhance student success. Textbook readings, course videos, use of PowerPoint, and Word, and assignments such as the Email Assignment and Developing Information Literacy Assignment helped accomplish this goal. Do you feel you can now better use email communication, electronic resources, software, and information literacy skills? Why or why not? Where do you think your research and technology skills will be needed and/or be strengthened during the remainder of your coursework and academic career? How else, outside of Liberty University, might you master these skills in order to help you succeed in your career and life? Paragraph 3: How well do you feel prepared to succeed in online education? Discuss how the content and delivery methods (i.e types of assignments, e-readings, discussions, etc.) of this course have helped prepare you, if applicable. Have any of your goals changed (academic or life)? Do you feel confident in moving forward with your training as a champion for Christ?
• Discussion: Reflection on Course Goals – The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to reflect on the course. It will gauge your understanding of key concepts and objectives. You will post an initial thread of at least 150 words by Thursday and reply to two classmates with at least 75 words per reply by Monday.
1. Look at the grading rubric before you begin. All threads and replies must be professional in content and delivery. You will be graded on (a) how well your thread addresses the main points; (b) two substantive replies to your fellow classmates; and (c) mechanics such as grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
2. Create an original thread and respond to all questions/topics. Each thread should demonstrate course-related knowledge. Write one paragraph for each question/topic. Write a minimum of 150 words for the entire thread by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned Module: Week, so that other students have a chance to respond before Monday.
3. Reply to 2 different classmates. Replies should add to the conversation and go beyond “I agree”. Replies should provide substantive additional thoughts regarding classmates’ threads. Post 2 replies of at least 75 words by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned Module: Week.
Discussions in this course do not require you to reference scholarly articles, texts, etc. Bible verses are always welcome.
** Text book** Ellis: the essential guide to becoming a master student 5E
Some of the interesting parts of the book for me were:
* Taking charge of time and money (Chapter 2)
*Maximizing Your Memory & Mastering Tests (chapter 5)
* Thinking Critically & Communicating Your Ideas (Chapter 7)
My class major: Bachelors in pre law and policy with minor in criminology.
The goal is to be an attorney and to fight for those who deserve justice