We’re looking for a well-organized, clear, compelling essay/presentation where i

We’re looking for a well-organized, clear, compelling essay/presentation where i

We’re looking for a well-organized, clear, compelling essay/presentation where it is clear that you’ve put some thought and work into it. Essay writers will be expected to use footnotes to show signs of research, while presentation-makers will be required to submit a bibliography as part of their presentation, as credits at the end. Proper formatting will be important with essays, while design elements will be evaluated in presentations.
Here is the paper topic for you to consider for your 5-page final research paper (not
including illustrations). At least three scholarly sources (books, articles) must be included, and
properly cited in footnotes, to demonstrate your research and your ability to integrate properly
cited secondary materials into your analysis. Website snippets and Wikipedia entries will not be
considered scholarly research material, though they, too, should be cited correctly when used. A
clear thesis must be stated and operate as the organizing principle of your paper. You may
choose a work of architecture, painting, or sculpture, or a relevant art historical concept. Use
images in your paper when appropriate, label them properly, and refer to the images
specifically in your text. See other course supporting materials on writing and research.
1) The Pantheon in Rome. A very interesting building with lots to deal with in terms of its
structure, symbolism, technical features, and social (religious function). It was designed by the
Emperor Hadrian. Discuss the Pantheon as a Roman temple and how it both conforms to some
elements but is also a very novel design. Relate it to earlier circular temple types such as the
tholos temples.