Write an analysis for each of the selected 5 related texts from 5.1 AND Gee’s es

Write an analysis for each of the selected 5 related texts from 5.1 AND Gee’s es

Write an analysis for each of the selected 5 related texts from 5.1 AND Gee’s essay in ‘files’ on Canvas. So there will be a discussion of six sources.Use the Gee article first because it is one of the first to mention this idea of affinity spaces.
Then analyze your other five sources in relation to how this idea is circulating.
Consider how these texts reshape your understanding of the original text and idea of affinity spaces. So this must be the focus of your analysis.Introduction and conclusion will be only 3-5 lines and very formal and to the point.
Body – you will explore how the idea of an ‘affinity space’ has circulated.I expect you to use this language in your 3 page analysis – use the word circulated – it is in the prompt. You will need to have some opinion about how this idea has circulated whether it is a good thing now or a bad thing now.
Conclusion 3 to 5 lines in third person academic voice as you conclude your circulation findings of this idea. Quote directly from the texts as added support. Analyze the content and medium (format like video) of each related text in your analysis.
Compare and contrast texts as needed to support your thesis/opinion about how this idea has circulated.
Total of 3 pages for all 5 texts and with analysis. Third Person Voice (no first or second person voice)
Grammar and MLA needs to be professional
In the 5.2 there are the 5 sources + and the one that on the separate pdf is the 6th source