ScenarioThe facility administrator, Ms. Leppert, has learned that you can be dep

ScenarioThe facility administrator, Ms. Leppert, has learned that you can be dep

ScenarioThe facility administrator, Ms. Leppert, has learned that you can be depended upon, so you are not surprised to get an unexpected visit from her. She tells you that the board of directors has a new member, Mr. Timberlake, who highly suggests that the board be better informed on governance, policy, and data management. Mr. Timberlake is a retired director of the Central States Policy Commission, and after his first meeting with the board, he gave them a topic list. Now, the board of directors wants a report for next month.
Ms. Leppert reviewed the topic list and recognized that it weighs heavily in the HIM arena. As the HIM director, you were the obvious choice for her to partner with on this report. She asks you to prepare the report and to clear your calendar for next month’s board meeting.
InstructionsPrepare a professional report that:
Provides examples or supporting details from credible sources for each of the bulleted items below to improve the board’s understanding of concepts.
Differentiates between internal and external stakeholders in the U.S. healthcare system.
Explains standards for disaster recovery and emergency management policies and procedures.
Assesses methods of data standards and data management.
Illustrates health record content compliance across the healthcare continuum.
Analyzes various classification systems, clinical vocabularies, and nomenclatures.
Examines data dictionaries and data sets for compliance with governance standards.
General Requirements
Uses professional language and tone with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the professional report.
Provides at least two credible, professional sources as an APA formatted reference.