From your completed Research Plan (Assignment 2) prepare a Practice Critique on

From your completed Research Plan (Assignment 2) prepare a Practice Critique on

From your completed Research Plan (Assignment 2) prepare a Practice Critique on the specific customs procedures you have selected. The procedures: duty-free shops in Qatar based on General Authority of Customs – Doha Qatar
Practice Critiques are your evaluation of specific practices that your administration uses to administer customs procedures. They are prepared either as a preliminary step, and justification for, a more comprehensive Workplace Improvement Project or as a means of ensuring that existing practices do indeed meet the expectations of government and traders. That is they can be critical or they can re-inforce the validity of existing practices.
Using the Template Form available on your CUS413 i2 site you are required to design and draft the Practice Critique with the view that it will be used internally within your organization to advance your administrations strategic objectives to be customer focused, to be efficient and effective and to provide customs services in accordance with the latest global practices.
Your practice critique must compare your existing practice in respect of the selected customs procedure with the practice that is administered by (at least one) other Customs administration(s) internationally and where possible with the best and/or obligatory practice as set out in relevant international customs law such as the RKC and the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.
You must :
include an Executive Summary (dot points)
explain in detail your evaluation of the selected procedure as it is practiced in your jurisdiction. In doing so you should:
set out in clear terms the domestic and international customs law relating to the selected customs practice.
compare and contrast your administrations practice with at least one other Customs administration internationally.
Detail and analyze the impact of the current practice on stakeholders and suggest ways of improving the procedure, if warranted, to meet customer expectations.
Identify any constraints to improvement to existing practice that might be a consequence of existing domestic legislation or any international obligations and how those constraints may be overcome.
provide a conclusion which clearly articulates your personal view
attach a bibliography/end of text reference list
Your Practice Critique should meet the expected standards regarding both in- text and end of text referencing. Your bibliography will not be considered in your word count.
Within these parameters above you are encouraged to be as thoughtful and creative as possible in creating your Practice Critique.
P.S : the sources must be only from three
1. General Authority of Customs – Doha Qatar
2. World Customs Organization Revised Kyoto Convention
3. world trade organization Trade facilitation.
there in attachment secction will find a PowerPoint slides explaining more