must revise the essay with the information provided in the photos along with fol

must revise the essay with the information provided in the photos along with fol

must revise the essay with the information provided in the photos along with following the rubric and prompts. The full essay in pdf format is listed as a “summary overview revision.” double spaced Times New Roman, max 3 pages, minimum 2, have one page more for sources.
General points
-paper is to be scored out of 20
-half marks are acceptable
Specific points
-each of the 4 parts is worth 4 points
-the remaining 4 points are for writing and organization
Part 1 (4 points)
-descriiption of the crime prevention strategy that you have selected
-need to select 1 of the 3 CP strategies: developmental, community, or situational
-need to describe theoretical bases or key ingredients of strategy (general or specific)
Part 2 (4 points)
-brief discussion of the crime problem that you have chosen to be the focus of your crime
prevention strategy
-need to select a crime problem (specific or general: juvenile delinquency is fine)
-some details expected on the crime problem (e.g., latest statistics, recent trends)
-another key here is the theoretical connection between CP strategy and crime problem; for
example, SCP is highly specific, DCP is often more general
Part 3 (4 points)
-two or three examples of relevant programs that show evidence of effectiveness in reducing
your crime problem
-these examples need to relate directly to the selected CP strategy
-some details on the programs expected (e.g., nature of the intervention, who or what the
program targeted, effectiveness demonstrated by % reduction)
-programs that emphasize CJ responses (police, courts, or corrections) are not acceptable
Part 4 (4 points)
-five research/scholarly sources that you will use in the research paper
-references must adhere to an established format (e.g., APA, MLA)
-links to internet sites without any details (e.g., author, date, title) are unacceptable
-if sources are old, ask: Is there a more recent source available?
Writing and organization (4 points)
-use of headings
-expression of ideas (clarity; no run-on sentences; writing succinctly)
-maximum of 3 (minimum of 2) double-spaced pages
The paper must contain the following four parts:
(1) A descriiption of the crime prevention strategy (developmental, community, or situational)
that you have selected.
(2) A brief discussion of the crime problem that you have chosen to be the focus of your crime
prevention strategy.
(3) Two or three examples of relevant programs that show evidence of effectiveness in reducing
your crime problem.
(4) Five research/scholarly sources that you will use in the final research paper.
The paper is to be a maximum of 3 (or a minimum of 2) double-spaced pages. As a writing
assignment, it is to be written in the form of a paper. It will count for 20% of the course grade.