You are going to develop the skills required to create a unit plan, and you will

You are going to develop the skills required to create a unit plan, and you will

You are going to develop the skills required to create a unit plan, and you will start by creating a unit plan outline. The unit plan outline will serve as the foundation for the larger end-of-course assignment.
Decide on a grade level appropriate social studies topic that will engage the students in the curriculum and brainstorm 4 lesson topics to explore that topic.
Read the Social Studies Integrated Unit Plan assignment due in Week 6.
Create an outline for your unit plan. Include the following in your outline:
o Grade level
o State content standards to be covered
o Unit introduction
o Unit summative assessment idea
o 4 lesson topics and objectives tied to a grade level appropriate theme
o An explanation of how the unit will engage students in the social studies curriculum
o An explanation of how technology resources will be used to enhance learning