In this assignment you will begin designing a family science course that reflect

In this assignment you will begin designing a family science course that reflect

In this assignment you will begin designing a family science course that reflects your expertise and aligns with the principles of effective curriculum design, using Generative-Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to initiate the creative design process.If you have not yet done so, begin by researching undergraduate and graduate programs in family science (or related fields) to identify courses of interest. Course Title and Course Description: Choose a compelling and descriptive course title that reflects the essence of the course. Develop a concise course description that provides an overview of the course’s focus that aligns with the course competencies and the field of family science. Course Competencies: Identify 3–4 course competencies that capture the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes students should gain from the course. Utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy Links to an external site. to ensure a balanced representation of cognitive levels across the identified competencies. Key Assignment: Design a key assignment that assesses students’ mastery of one or more course competencies. Describe the purpose and provide clear instructions for the assignment and assessment criteria. Consider incorporating diverse assessment methods (e.g., written assignment, project, presentation) to effectively evaluate the identified competencies. Reflection: Summarize your aim for the course, the AI-generative tool you used for support, and your next steps in completing the full course design. Reflect on your experience using AI to support the course development. Transcript: Submit a full transcript of your generative-AI collaboration session(s). Requirements: APA format & style citations. Approximately 3–5 double-spaced typed pages, not including the transcript, cover page, and references.