Comprehensive Case Analysis and Intervention Proposal Final Project: Comprehensi

Comprehensive Case Analysis and Intervention Proposal
Final Project: Comprehensi

Comprehensive Case Analysis and Intervention Proposal
Final Project: Comprehensive Case Analysis and Intervention Proposal
Description: Choose a psychopathological disorder studied in the course. Presents a hypothetical case study of a child or adolescent with this disorder, including background information, symptomatology, and developmental stage. Make a differential diagnosis, discuss possible ethical considerations, and propose a detailed intervention plan based on evidence-based practices. Your proposal should consider the individual needs of the child or adolescent and include a discussion of how cultural, social, and individual factors influence your chosen intervention strategies.
Objective: To integrate knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course in the diagnosis and proposal of a comprehensive treatment plan for a child or adolescent with a psychopathological disorder.
APA Extension Requirement: 15-20 pages, excluding title page and references.
Extension: 15 20 pages
OCD Disorder and Autism
Brief presentation of the selected case, and work in general
For example, to define what is psychopathology, the different types of disorders of the infant and to present the chosen one (DSM 5 to define it and its diagnostic criteria). Briefly present the hypothetical case chosen.
Detailed Client Background
Present the client with a brief description of who they are, their background, and their current presentation. Understand the symptoms and stage of development in which it is located.
Differential Diagnosis
Make a differential diagnosis. Understand what other diagnoses could be considered in the face of the symptomatology presented by the client. Because you considered them and that made the disorder with which the client was diagnosed the most appropriate. For example, in Autism vs. OCD, autism was chosen because of the social communication component that the client presents and that is not part of the criteria for OCD disorder.
Ethical and Cultural Considerations
Culturally sensitive responses, ethical decision-making processes. What ethical considerations are important to consider in this case?
An Intervention Plan
Propose a detailed intervention plan based on evidence-based practices (therapies, treatments for the type of disorder selected). Your proposal should consider the individual needs of the child or adolescent and include a discussion of how cultural, social, and individual factors influence your chosen intervention strategies.
Summary of the plan that explains the main points of the work and your learning from doing it.
References (5 minimum, DSM rating 5 is one) between 2014-2024
Includes a Powerpoint with 14 Slides.