Review pages 7–9 of the United Nations Resource Kit on Indigenous Peoples’ Issue

Review pages 7–9 of the United Nations Resource Kit on Indigenous Peoples’ Issue

Review pages 7–9 of the United Nations Resource Kit on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues article in the Learning Resources.
the Anthropological Perspectives Checklist provided in the Learning
Resources. Consider the five perspectives and how they impact the study
of other cultures.
Review the article, “Who Are Indigenous Peoples?” located in this week’s Resources.
Think about your current understanding of the term indigenous.
Identify any challenges in crafting a comprehensive definition or characterization of indigenous peoples.
With these thoughts in mind:
one paragraph in which you define indigenous peoples based on your
current understanding. In a second paragraph, examine the potential
problems in defining indigenous peoples. Consider the five
anthropological perspectives and analyze the role you might choose if
you were studying another culture: reformer, critic, scientist,
humanist, or cosmopolite. Which perspective would you chose? Explain
your reasoning for this selection.
Be sure to support your
ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something
you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.