Please use the attached template to complete the below! A brief overview of Dell

Please use the attached template to complete the below!
A brief overview of Dell

Please use the attached template to complete the below!
A brief overview of Dell Technologies including their product/service features, benefits, and brand identity
Brief highlights from the situational analyses, PESTEL and SWOT. Do not paste your entire SWOT/PESTEL on the slide. Just select highlights from each. The marketing plan objectives you developed Competitive analysis including differentiation, positioning and target market profile
How the marketing mix (the 4 Ps or 7 Ps) will work together to reinforce the plan objectives, and the marketing communication budget.
Marketing communications budget including total budget and allocations for each media channel.
Please use minimal text on the slides and include the script/details in the “note” section.
Use at least 3 in text citation with 6 references (APA 7th edition)
Use Pictures and Graphs where necessary to make it look presentable