MT202-4: Prepare a social media campaign to enhance sales. Social media campaign

MT202-4: Prepare a social media campaign to enhance sales.
Social media campaign

MT202-4: Prepare a social media campaign to enhance sales.
Social media campaigns are an integral part of successful marcom for a company’s product or service. In the social media campaign, marketers determine the overall goals of the campaign, what types of social media will be used and how, the storyline, and many other concepts. By planning out social media in the social media campaign checklist rather than just jumping in without a plan, marketers can be more successful.
In this assignment, you will be the new social media executive for a business, Solar Panels Planet (SPP) Inc., which sells solar panels for residential and industrial use. Recently the solar panel has become a cost-effective means of reducing costs over the long term and is increasingly being used by homeowners as well as industry.
Using the social media campaign checklist to enhance sales, and after reviewing the metrics and feedback, complete the social media campaign you will propose, targeting either residential or industrial customers.
In a 350- to 500-word response in a Microsoft Word document with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style, address the social media campaign checklist.

MT202-4: Prepare a social media campaign to enhance sales. Social media campaign

MT202-4: Prepare a social media campaign to enhance sales.
Social media campaign

MT202-4: Prepare a social media campaign to enhance sales.
Social media campaigns are an integral part of successful marcom for a company’s product or service. In the social media campaign, marketers determine the overall goals of the campaign, what types of social media will be used and how, the storyline, and many other concepts. By planning out social media in the social media campaign checklist rather than just jumping in without a plan, marketers can be more successful.
In this assignment, you will be the new social media executive for a business, Solar Panels Planet (SPP) Inc., which sells solar panels for residential and industrial use. Recently the solar panel has become a cost-effective means of reducing costs over the long term and is increasingly being used by homeowners as well as industry.
Using the social media campaign checklist to enhance sales, and after reviewing the metrics and feedback, complete the social media campaign you will propose, targeting either residential or industrial customers.
In a 350- to 500-word response in a Microsoft Word document with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style, address the social media campaign checklist.

Marketing Research – Please write a research paper on the below (Taking in Consi

Marketing Research – Please write a research paper on the below (Taking in Consi

Marketing Research – Please write a research paper on the below (Taking in Consideration Dubai, UAE, and GCC)
Ethical Considerations and Challenges
• Transparency and authenticity issues
• Managing influencer partnerships and contracts
• Addressing follower fraud and fake engagement
Future Directions and Opportunities
• Emerging platforms and technologies
• Predictions for the next decade
• Potential for new marketing strategies and innovations
• Summary of key findings
• Implications for marketers and businesses
• Recommendations for future research
• Comprehensive list of all sources cited in APA format

Analysis: Data Examination: – Analyze the collected data using Loop11’s analytic

Data Examination:
– Analyze the collected data using Loop11’s analytic

Data Examination:
– Analyze the collected data using Loop11’s analytics tools.
– Identify patterns, trends, and areas of improvement on the AUE website.
– Generate a report summarizing usability test results and recommendations.
Prepare a final comprehensive report that includes:
– Include the usability test report with key findings and recommendations.
– Insights drawn from the integration of Loop11, interpret the visualizations (charts, graphs) to present key findings.
– Usability test results with 10 recommendations for improving the user experience on the AUE website (
6. Assessment Criteria (refer to the grading rubric attached).
· Integration of Depth of Analysis and Insights of Loop11 Comprehensive Report
· Thoughtfulness of Reflection

1. review the case study and create a comprehensive case analysis report in a 4

1. review the case study and create a comprehensive case analysis report in a 4

1. review the case study and create a comprehensive case analysis report in a 4-page Word document answering the questions below the case study attached in the PDF
2. Then, summarize your findings by creating a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides). try to make a powerpoint web version.
3.To finalize your project, upload your PowerPoint and create brief video narrations on each slide. Your overall presentation should range from 5-10 minutes in length. (I Need you to write me a script for each slide. that will take me at least 5 minutes, I prefer it shorter)
case study questions:
What volume would have to be sold at the $14.70 factory price in order for Monroe to be as well off as it would be if it sold 50,000 units at $8.00?
If capacity for producing the A2B timer component is in fact limited, and therefore each sale of the household timer will eliminate the sale of an A2B component, how would you measure the household timer’s profitability?

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your fin

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your fin

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your final project, and the posts to this discussion board will both be about an integrated marketing communications campaign you have chosen for analysis. Your first post is a way to insure you aren’t doing the same projects as someone else in the group (no two people within a group may do the same campaign). It is also an early opportunity for me to provide you feedback on the campaign you are choosing for the project. There have been instances where a student has chosen something that is an ad, not an integrated campaign, and that simply doesn’t work for Assignment 5, so if there’s a problem, it gets flagged relatively early. Finally, connecting the discussion board to your project should prompt you to make regular progress on your project.
Be sure to look at Assignment 5, download and read the Assignment 5 description Download Assignment 5 description and look at the example of a good Assignment 5 Campaign Evaluation , before you post to this discussion board.
In a nutshell….
Over the past few weeks, you have been exposed to a number of campaigns. Some very good examples are the videos you watched on Desani, Charmin and Taco Bell. I would like you to identify a current or recent (within the past 12 months) integrated marketing communications campaign. Remember! Read the assignment before you make your first post!
By the end of the term, you should have a total of at least one post in this forum. Unlike previous discussion boards, you do not need to respond to your peers, though you certainly may!

Compare and contrast the four major market structures (Monopoly, Perfect Competi

Compare and contrast the four major market structures (Monopoly, Perfect Competi

Compare and contrast the four major market structures (Monopoly, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, and Oligopoly) on the following characteristics:

Number of firms
Firms’ role in determining price.
Long-run economic profit
Barriers to entry or exit from the industry.
Type of product
Key Characteristics
Examples of the market structures

These characteristics should be bolded and underlined.
The body of the paper (not counting the reference and title page) must be double-spaced and at least two pages in length using 12-point font, 1-inch top and bottom margins, and 1-inch side margins. The paper must be submitted by Sunday, June 23, 2024.

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your fin

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your fin

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your final project, and the posts to this discussion board will both be about an integrated marketing communications campaign you have chosen for analysis. Your first post is a way to insure you aren’t doing the same projects as someone else in the group (no two people within a group may do the same campaign). It is also an early opportunity for me to provide you feedback on the campaign you are choosing for the project. There have been instances where a student has chosen something that is an ad, not an integrated campaign, and that simply doesn’t work for Assignment 5, so if there’s a problem, it gets flagged relatively early. Finally, connecting the discussion board to your project should prompt you to make regular progress on your project.
Be sure to look at Assignment 5, download and read the Assignment 5 description Download Assignment 5 description and look at the example of a good Assignment 5 Campaign Evaluation , before you post to this discussion board.
In a nutshell….
Over the past few weeks, you have been exposed to a number of campaigns. Some very good examples are the videos you watched on Desani, Charmin and Taco Bell. I would like you to identify a current or recent (within the past 12 months) integrated marketing communications campaign. Remember! Read the assignment before you make your first post!
By the end of the term, you should have a total of at least one post in this forum. Unlike previous discussion boards, you do not need to respond to your peers, though you certainly may!

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your fin

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your fin

This discussion board is very different from the others! Assignment 5 – your final project, and the posts to this discussion board will both be about an integrated marketing communications campaign you have chosen for analysis. Your first post is a way to insure you aren’t doing the same projects as someone else in the group (no two people within a group may do the same campaign). It is also an early opportunity for me to provide you feedback on the campaign you are choosing for the project. There have been instances where a student has chosen something that is an ad, not an integrated campaign, and that simply doesn’t work for Assignment 5, so if there’s a problem, it gets flagged relatively early. Finally, connecting the discussion board to your project should prompt you to make regular progress on your project.
Be sure to look at Assignment 5, download and read the Assignment 5 description Download Assignment 5 description and look at the example of a good Assignment 5 Campaign Evaluation , before you post to this discussion board.
In a nutshell….
Over the past few weeks, you have been exposed to a number of campaigns. Some very good examples are the videos you watched on Desani, Charmin and Taco Bell. I would like you to identify a current or recent (within the past 12 months) integrated marketing communications campaign. Remember! Read the assignment before you make your first post!
By the end of the term, you should have a total of at least one post in this forum. Unlike previous discussion boards, you do not need to respond to your peers, though you certainly may!

Pick one of the execution styles (try to pick one that no one in your discussion

Pick one of the execution styles (try to pick one that no one in your discussion

Pick one of the execution styles (try to pick one that no one in your discussion board has chosen already – we don’t want to be too boring. This is an incentive to post early!)
Do some additional web research on the one you pick (everyone is reading the book, so give us something we don’t already know). Make sure you cite the sources from which you are pulling your outside information. For example, you may find research in the popular press, academic journals or trade magazines like Ad Age. A specific example of an execution style would be humor. There are a lot of articles in a broad range of sources on the effects of humor in advertising.
Evaluate the execution style you’ve chosen in terms of effectiveness and consumer attitudes based on the textbook, outside resources, and a bit of your own personal opinion.
Examples of advertising executions would include: straight sell/factual message, scientific/technical evidence, demonstration, comparison, testimonial, slice of life, animation, personality symbol, imagery, dramatization, humor, combinations.
Enrich your post with examples of a commercial or print ad demonstrating the execution style you are writing about, as well as any fun facts, opinions from blogs, etc. Just make sure you cite.