When blacks were slaves, whites considered them hard working, reliable, trustwor

When blacks were slaves, whites considered them hard working, reliable, trustwor

When blacks were slaves, whites considered them hard working, reliable, trustworthy, loyal, faithful and outstanding caretakers of their families.
However after blacks were freed, there was a negative media campaign created to highlight black men as savages, barbarians and rapists and black women as mammies, jezebels and promiscuous. This was done to incite violence and negativity towards blacks.
Review the websites in week 8, find an image (from the past) or very short video (under 2mins) that portrays blacks negatively, post the image in the discussion section and answer the following questions:
What stereotype is it portraying? How does it make you feel? Discuss what you can do to counteract (positively) the image that is being portrayed? In other words, explain what you can do (get an education, start your own business etc.) to show whites and other races that the image is not true? Also, post a positive image of blacks (families, children, etc.) to back up what you are saying. As always, everyone should have different images to post and cite your sources.
I will uploads images that are already taken by my classmates.