If we were in a normal classroom, we would analyze the movie Matilda. Although M

If we were in a normal classroom, we would analyze the movie Matilda. Although M

If we were in a normal classroom, we would analyze the movie Matilda. Although Matilda was fiction, we analyze instances of child abuse in the movie. There were many! Her parents were verbally abusive as well as her principal. Her parents were neglectful. Her principal was physically abuse by pulling children’s hair, slamming a tray on a student, and throwing a child out the window. We laugh at this movie, because we know it is fake, but as we learned child abuse nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S every year and this is way too many. Matilda, fortunately was able to build resilience and it was show through her magic. She also had a role model, which we know is important, and not all children have. Directions:
For this essay, you will choose a book, movie, tv show that portrays a form of child abuse, whether in a scene or throughout. This story may be fictional (fake) or non-fiction (real). Child abuse affects children of all ages, so you may use a child of any age up until 18. YOUR ESSAY MAY NOT BE ABOUT THE MOVIE MATILDA! In a one page essay, please answer ALL of the following questions: What is the movie/tv show or book about? What is the type of abuse portrayed? Was the abuser a family or friend? How did the child react to getting abused? Based on the story, do you believe the child/young adult will be resilient? If that child/young adult were in your life, how would you help them build resilience? Essay Requirements:
This essay must be 1-2 pages in length. Times New Roman, double spaced, 12PT font