Topic: Murder Trial of Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle (1921) Each paper must consist o

Murder Trial of Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle (1921)
Each paper must consist o

Topic: Murder Trial of Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle (1921)
Each paper must consist of a minimum of 1,500 words—not counting the title page or references section. Please rely on Microsoft Word to determine the word count (not a PDF or other source).
Your research paper must include these elements:
Title page (with proper APA-style formatting)
Abstract (with proper APA-style formatting)
Introduction (ending with a thesis statement)
A description of the crime
Analysis of the crime and criminal behavior
Discussion about media involvement and coverage
A perspective on media influence
Conclusion (based on your research and perspective)
References section (with proper APA-style formatting throughout)
Sources, Citations, and References
Your paper should include at least six sources (points will be deducted if fewer sources are used). These sources should include your textbook—plus five additional sources, three of which must be scholarly in nature. In writing a research paper, which should be a discussion about previously published research, there should be ample in-text citations—such as (Torres, 2024)—throughout your paper. Each in-text citation must be listed in the “References” section.