Watch the guided reading lesson at a

Watch the guided reading lesson at a

Watch the guided reading lesson at and evaluate the student engagement using Core Action 3. Then choose a specific during reading strategy. Identify a specific secondary content area and unit where that strategy would be appropriate. Identify a writing activity that could be used with this strategy and specifically what writing skills you would target and why. Include:
Core Action 3: Provide all students with opportunities to engage in the work of the lesson.
Indicator: Note evidence observed or gathered
A. The teacher keeps all students persevering with challenging tasks.
Students habitually display persistence with challenging tasks, particularly when providing textual evidence to support answers and responses, both orally and in writing.
4- The teacher provides many opportunities and most students take them.
3- The teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or the teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.
2- The teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.
1- The teacher provides few or no opportunities or few or very few students take them.
B. The teacher expects evidence and precision from students and probes student answers accordingly. Students habitually display persistence in providing textual evidence to support answers and responses, both orally and in writing.
4- The teacher provides many opportunities and most students take them.
3- The teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or the teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.
2- The teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.
1-The teacher provides few or no opportunities or few or very few students take them.
C. The teacher encourages reasoning and problem solving by posing challenging questions and tasks that offer opportunities for productive struggle. Students persevere in solving questions and tasks in the face of initial difficulty.
4- The teacher provides many opportunities and most students take them.
3- The teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or the teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.
2- The teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.
1- The teacher provides few or no opportunities or few or very few students take them.
D. The teacher demonstrates awareness and appropriate action regarding the variations present in student progress toward reading independently. When appropriate, students demonstrate progress toward independence in reading and writing.
4- The teacher provides many opportunities and most students take them.
3- The teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or the teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.
2- The teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.
1- The teacher provides few or no opportunities or few or very few students take them.
E. When appropriate, the teacher explicitly attends to strengthening students’ language and reading foundational skills. Students demonstrate the use of language conventions and decoding skills, activating such strategies as needed to read, write, and speak with grade-level fluency skills.
4- The teacher provides many opportunities and most students take them.
3- The teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or the teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.
2- The teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.
1- The teacher provides few or no opportunities or few or very few students take them.