Assignment Instructions: Prepare to discuss the major concepts from Job (at leas

Assignment Instructions: Prepare to discuss the major concepts from Job (at leas

Assignment Instructions: Prepare to discuss the major concepts from Job (at least 2-4 paragraphs in length), please answer the following questions: What is Job’s response to unjust suffering? What do you think about his response? How did Job’s friends react to Job’s suffering? What are some things that maybe they shouldn’t have done? What does the book of Job teach about God, suffering, and hope? Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to: Discuss the major theological concepts in the story of Job. Resources: 1.) Read: Chapter 11 in your textbook. (Discovering the Bible by Robert d Branson) 2.) Watch: Job (7:14). Introduction and Alignment: The books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament are part of the “wisdom literature” genre. Wisdom in the Bible focuses on the realization that a person should give God respect, awe, and service in the midst of a hostile world. A world that, in case you hadn’t noticed, isn’t fair. Wisdom can be summed up in the idea found in Proverbs that real knowledge begins when we give God our respect and worship and quit trying to figure things out on our own. This is part of the point in the story of Job. Job was a righteous man who had found favor in God’s eyes. He had no idea the story that was about to unfold in his life. Because of a cosmic interaction, unseen to any human eye, Job was faced with unbelievable suffering. He patiently endured suffering but he was also a person of protest. He didn’t just sit back and take it. He cried out in anger and anguish to the Lord. He accused God but God showed up and reminded Job that Job was limited in scope and knowledge but God was infinite and saw a bigger picture. No, life isn’t fair in good times and in bad. But God was beyond this life and ultimately God would bring wisdom and justice to the world.