For this Assignment you are creating artifacts for your ePortfolio, as follows:

For this Assignment you are creating artifacts for your ePortfolio, as follows:

For this Assignment you are creating artifacts for your ePortfolio, as follows:
1. Select a project you completed during your MBA program that showcases knowledge and skills acquired, done well. This can be research that produced a PowerPoint. The point is for it to be something that a potential employer would find useful and that represents your best work. 
Along with this item, write a separate one-paragraph narrative in a Word document that:
explains the origin, course, and purpose of this artifact in your master’s program, and 
describes the changes you have made to improve the artifact.
 Select a second project you completed during your MBA program. For this one, write only a one paragraph summary of the project, description of the course in which you produced it, and the course objective(s) relating to the project. Your “audience” for this paragraph is a prospective employer or other person reviewing your ePortfolio. This paragraph will be an artifact in your ePortfolio to relate your acquired knowledge/skills. Give your summary an appropriate title you would use for it in your ePortfolio.