Write a summary of the article and include the items below as headers in APA Sty

Write a summary of the article and include the items below as headers in APA Sty

Write a summary of the article and include the items below as headers in APA Style.Summary of the purpose of the study
Research question(s)
Critical evaluation of the paper: THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT! As a scientist, you want to approach the article with total skepticism. Very few articles are perfect. Consider the representativeness of the participants, the adequacy of the research measures, and the logic of the entire paper. Do the conclusions answer the research question? Be as critical as you can.
An APA Title Page, APA Headings, and an APA reference are required. Don’t forget, you can go back to the APA Videos and Tutorials in the APA 7th edition module and watch how to format a title page and how to use Headers. I only use Header 1 and Header 2 because there is not much depth in an article summary. Turnitin is also turned on for this assignment. It detects the use of AI resources also! The summaries should be in your own words. Do not use quotes. Remember, this is a summary; you should not be providing a lot of detail but rather synthesizing what the authors did. Just tell me what you read, what you learned, and how the study could be improved or what you would add or do differently. A special note: Reading journal articles is hard. They are designed for an audience that knows something about the topic or methods. As new psychology students, you don’t have that knowledge (that is why you are in school!). So be sure to allow plenty of time to read and understand the paper. Only when you understand the paper will you be able to summarize the paper. Don’t get discouraged; every psychologist started precisely where you are now. The only way to get better at reading empirical journal articles is to practice. I have included a sample paper as a Resource in the Module. It has errors,, but the tone and thoroughness are where I expect a student paper to be.
Article Summaries Rubric (1)
Article Summaries Rubric (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose
15 ptsExceeds Expectations
Clearly states purpose/research question of article Clearly states hypotheses Appropriate amount of detail provided In own words
7.5 ptsMeets Expectations
Clearly states purpose of article Clearly states hypotheses Minor issues with providing too much or too little information Minor improvements needed in paraphrasing in own words
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Purpose and hypothesis either not stated or not clear Major issues with providing too much or too little information Major problems with using own words to summarize (e.g., includes quotes)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethodology
15 ptsExceeds Expectations
Includes all the necessary information including who participated, what they did, what the variables were (IV & DV), and the research design All included information is accurate Appropriate amount of detail provided In own words
7.5 ptsMeets Expectations
Missing 1-2 pieces of information on the methodology Minor issues with accuracy Minor issues with providing too much or too little information Minor improvements needed in paraphrasing in own words
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Multiple pieces of methodology are missing or inadequate. Major issues with accuracy Major issues with providing too much or too little information Major problems with using own words to summarize (e.g., includes quotes)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResults & Conclusion
15 ptsExceeds Expectations
Provides a complete summary of the results Does not include any statistics from paper Conclusions summarized well All included information is accurate Appropriate amount of detail provided In own words
7.5 ptsMeets Expectations
Missing 1-2 results No statistics included from paper Provides conclusions Minor issues with accuracy Minor issues with providing too much or too little information Minor improvements needed in paraphrasing in own words
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Incomplete summary of results Includes statistics from paper Major issues with accuracy Major issues with providing too much or too little information Major problems with using own words to summarize (e.g., includes quotes)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Evaluation
15 ptsExceeds Expectations
Provides appropriate and well thought out evaluation of the research paper including suggestions for improvements or future research In own words
7.5 ptsMeets Expectations
Suggestions and/or future directions not always appropriate or accurate. Minor improvements needed in paraphrasing in own words
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Suggestions and/or future directions not included or are inadequate Major problems with using own words to summarize (e.g., includes quotes)
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality & Instructions
10 ptsExceeds Expectations
Summary is free of spelling and grammatical errors Uses professional language (free of slang, abbreviations, etc.) File is in the correct format and named correctly
5 ptsMeets Expectations
1-2 spelling or grammatical errors Minor issues with unprofessional language File is not named correctly but in the correct format or vice versa
0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Numerous spelling or grammatical errors Major issues with unprofessional language File is not named correctly or in the correct format
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Title Page
10 to >0.0 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Headings
10 to >0.0 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Reference
10 to >0.0 ptsFull Marks
0 ptsNo Marks
10 pts
Total Points: 100