onsider all of the facts you have (hopefully) learned thus far in this course. I

onsider all of the facts you have (hopefully) learned thus far in this course. I

onsider all of the facts you have (hopefully) learned thus far in this course. In addition to the concepts and theories covered in your readings/videos/lectures, remember that there are roughly four million people that quit their jobs each month, 60 percent of employees report being dissatisfied, and somewhere between ten and twenty percent of employees might actively be trying to sink your organizational ship (maritime pun intended).
Utilize your research skills to develop a paper that addresses the learning objectives from week four. Remember to state your theses and include academic (peer-reviewed journal articles, not random internet websites). A friendly hint is that there are some good ideas about where to start in the videos from the weekly modules. Please write a paper that has sections and transitional paragraphs, this is not a homework assignment where you are copy/pasting the questions and then writing a paragraph or two in response.
As a reminder, the concepts that your paper should address are:
What is job satisfaction?
What are values, and how do they affect job satisfaction?
What specific facets do employees consider when evaluating their job satisfaction?
Which job characteristics can create a sense of satisfaction with the work itself?
How is job satisfaction affected by day-to-day events?
How does job satisfaction affect job performance and organizational commitment? How does it affect life satisfaction?
What steps can organizations take to assess and manage job satisfaction?
Your paper should:
Be written in the third person (do not use I, me, we, etc). Include a cover and a reference page Use APA formatting
The paper should be at least 1300 words (the cover and reference page do not count). Have at least five external sources (your textbook can be used as one)
Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
An academic paper should have at least three parts:
An introduction (this is where you propose your hypothesis).
Main body/Lit Review (this is where you preset your ideas and support them using external resources. These should be peer-reviewed journal articles that present research. You should also be presenting both the pros and cons to all aspects).
Conclusion (this is where you wrap it all up and summarize – but do not repeat the same words over again).