Submit your Proverb Practical Application here. It should include your descriipt

Submit your Proverb Practical Application here. It should include your descriipt

Submit your Proverb Practical Application here. It should include your descriiption of how you might use the four proverbs you selected from the lesson as well as your own proverb, presented in a creative way.
Here are the specific instructions you received for this assignment:
Choose one proverb from each section in the proverbs lesson (Chinese, Greek, African, Biblical)—four total proverbs.
For each chosen proverb, describe a situation where you might use the proverb: Who would you tell it to, and in what way would you expect it to help them?
Example: Aristotle said: “One swallow does not make it spring.” If I had a student turn in a rough draft and act as though his work were finished, I might use this proverb to remind him that just because he has begun does not mean he has arrived.
Create one new proverb of your own. Create a saying that would help you or someone you know. Start by thinking of a situation where you have needed wisdom.
Be creative! Present your new proverb in an original comic strip, informational poster, or chart.